Chapter 19

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Warning! If you're sensitive to abuse, please DONT read this chapter ❌

~ Taehyung's POV ~

" I-I didn't do anything, Your Royal Highness! " I said pleading and crying as Jisoo yelled for her mother

" Yes, Jisoo darling? " Her Majesty said walking into the kitchen to see Jisoo yelling and screaming at me

" Taehyung was flirting to Jungkook! " Jisoo said pointing at me and I shook my head no even though it was no use cause they probably wouldn't believe me even if I was telling them the truth

" N-no, id never- " I tried to explain but Her Majesty slapped me across the face hard. I felt tears in my eyes as I held my cheek. I looked up at Jungkook in disbelief and he didn't even look at me

" Was he trying to flirt with you Kookie? " Jisoo said looking at him and held his cheeks in her hands

" Yes," He said looking at me and I felt my heart drop....I'm gonna die

" N-no! He is lying! " I said and Jisoo wrapped his hand around my neck, squeezing tightly. I tried my best not to push her away, I knew if I did, my punishment would be worst

" Looks like you need punishment, "Her Majesty said gripping my hair and I shook my head no. " P-please, not the closet, a-anything but that, " I said crying hard and the grip on my hair got tighter

" SHUT THE HELL UP! " She said snapping at me and looked at Jisoo. " Come on Jisoo, we need to teach this slut a lesson about trying to flirt with your future husband," She said and Jisoo nodded and looked back at Jungkook

" I'll be back Jungkookie, we'll make sure Taehyung doesn't mess with you anymore baby," She said kissing him on my cheek and turned back to us. They dragged me out of the palace and into a private car

I held myself as they called back what they were gonna do to me

The car stopped and they dragged me out of the car and back to their own palace. We walked to the dungeon and they pushed me inside and locked the door behind me. They saw my face of fear and started to laugh in my face

" Does poor little Taehyungie not want a punishment? " Jisoo said teasing me and I looked down at the ground, tears falling from my eyes

" Clothes off! " Jisoo said looking at me and I nodded and took off all of my clothes. " Your body is literally disgusting," Her Majesty said with a face full of disgust

I covered myself up, feeling back about myself

" Hug the pole, " Jisoo said pointing to the rusty pole in the corner of the room. I held back my tears and hugged the pole like I was told. I waited till I felt excruciating pain on my back

They were whipping me

" You little piece of shit! " Jisoo said yelling at me and hitting my back with the long whipped. I screamed in pain

" P-please stop! " I said crying out loud. Her Majesty laughed at me and told the whip from Jisoo and started to hit me with it. I held the pole like my life depend on it. I cried in pain as I felt liquid run down my back. I looked down at the floor and saw blood. Jisoo walked away and came back with a paddle

She smirked at me and started hit my legs. I started to lose feeling in my legs. I cried and fell to the ground while holding myself in my own arms

It hurt so bad...Sometimes I wish I could go back to my parents and not live this type of life. I loved my parents with all of my heart and they made me feel safe but then they kicked me out....because I told them that I was gay...The only person's arms I felt safe in was Jungkook's...But look what happened....I'm really not destined for love...

" Mom, his cries are annoying! " Jisoo said groaning as she threw the paddle across the room and Her Majesty placed the whipped down. They looked at each other and started to kick with their heels. I screamed in agony as their heels met my skin

" P-please stop....I-I can't t-take it anymore," I said crying and holding myself. My body hurt so bad...I could barely even more

" Be lucky we're letting you live? " Jisoo said pulling my hair and bringing my face up to her. " If I see you look and be near Jungkook, I will literally kill you, got it? " She said and I quickly nodded

" You are NOT ruining my chance with the Prince, he is my true love and you will not take him away from me," She said spitting at me and walked away. Her Majesty looked at me before walking away from me

I broke down in tears and held myself once again

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