Chapter 33

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I woke up from my sleep and smiled at the memory of Taehyung and I made up. I looked to the side and I didn't see Taehyung. I groaned and got up from the bed. I put on a shirt and some sweat before walking out of the. I walked down to the balcony where I saw Taehyung standing there

" What are you doing outside so late at night baby? " I said whispering at Taehyung who turn around and smiled at me

" I've just been thinking, a lot, " He said looking at me and taking a deep breath

" What's on your mind baby? " I said pulling him to the side so that no one could see us

" It's just...your getting married to Jisoo-" He started off but I kissed him in the lips softly

" I'm not marrying her Taehyung...I don't know how I'm gonna get myself out of this arranged marriage but I'm not marrying her " I said looking at him in the eyes and he held my hands

" Why not? She's rich, pretty, smart...even though she's a bitch.." He said sighed and I pushed it up against a wall and kissed me hard

" Fuck her okay? I don't care about her being rich, I don't want her...I want you, your beautiful, so smart, even smarter than Jisoo, Your personality is so beautiful and so elegant, your perfection Taehyung...I love much..." I said kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped an arm around his waist and one hand on his cheek

" I love you so much mean everything to me, " He said whispering against my lips and I smirked and kissed him again

" Your so special to me...your something special to me...I can't explain it " I said pressing my forehead against his. I held his hand and I saw him blush

" Your so cute when you blush...." I said laughing and he softly hit my chest and I hugged him so tight

" Please don't leave me again," Taehyung said while his face will in my chest

" I promise, I've been so lost without you...I wasn't able to eat or sleep knowing another boy had your attention " I said quietly and holding him close to me

" I'm sorry-"

" Shhh Tae, you shouldn't apologize to me...I'm the one who should be down on my knees begging for your forgiveness cause of the number of times I've hurt you," I said whispering and he kissed me

" It's okay, it's in the past now kook...I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose " He said to me and I smiled slightly and kissed him

" What if Jisoo and her mom catch us ?.... How will we be able to actually be together rather than sneaking around 24/7 " He said laying his head in my chest? I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and I held him

" I...I honestly don't know baby...I don't know how we'll be able to be together.....But I'll think so something cause I don't want Jisoo in my future...I want you in it " He said whispering his ear

" Your the sweetest, but...I just don't know how all of this would work out..." He said and I sighed and kissed him softly

" I think we should get back in- " I started to say but we heard a footstep, I put Taehyung down and told him to hide behind a big statue

" Kookie?" I heard Jisoo front behind me and I turned around and smiled

" Yes, Jisoo? " I said looking at her and she smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I slightly rolled my eyes and smiled at her

" What are you doing up here so late at night babe," She said looking at me and I turned around so that she wasn't facing the way Taehyung was hiding

" Oh...I was just getting a breath of fresh's kinda hot in the palace " I said fake smiling and kissing her cheek

" I Can't wait till we get marry and start a family, don't you want a family? " She said kissing me and I stiffly shook my face, yes, knowing I was lying through my teeth. Yes I'd want a family, but not with her, I want one with Taehyung

I looked behind her and saw Taehyung peeking out from behind the white statue. He sighed and I sadly smiled at me. He knows I have to lie without I want nothing to do it's her

" I love you," I said mouth to him and he smiled back at me

" I love you too "

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