Chapter 37

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Taehyung's POV~

" Jungkook!" I said scowling at him and he smiled at me

" What? Can't I see my fluffy little boyfriend " He said teasing me and I blushed and pulled him inside of my room quickly

" Why did you pop up at my door Unexpectedly and uninvited? " I said crossing my arms and he wrapped his arms around my waist

" I wanted a kiss, " He said pouting and I giggled and pecked him on the cheek and he shook his head no and pointed to his lips. I rolled my eyes and kissed him on the lips

He held the back of my neck, deepened the kiss. I wrapped my armed around his neck and he held my waist tightly. I opened my mouth and he slides his tongue inside

" I crave your lips so much baby," He said and I placed my hands on his cheeks and he backed up and we ended up on my bed. I straddled his waist and leaned down to kiss him again

He placed one hand on my ass and the other on my waist. My hands made their way his shoulders. He sucked on my tongue and I moaned inside of his mouth. My hands roamed up his shirt till I heard a knock on the door

" Kim Taehyung, we need to come in, " One of the guards said

" O-okay! Hold on " I said and I pointed to the closet. He quickly nodded and hid in the closet. I straighten myself up before opening the door

" Yes? " I said smiling

" Prince Wooyoung wants you down in the royal office, " A servant said to me and I quickly and closed the door

I told Jungkook to get out of the closet and we looked at each other

" Why does Wooyoung need to in the royal office ? " Jungkook said looking at me and I shrugged my shoulders

" I don't know, I've been ignoring him...maybe he is getting upset about it? " I said getting up and walking out of the room. I'm sure Jungkook followed me silently

I walked to the office and knocked on the door, a guard opened the door for me. I bowed politely and sat down in the chair

" Where is Jungkook? " Jisoo said asking and the door opened again, revealing Jungkook. He smiled and sat down beside Jisoo, looking at me a little

" Did you call me in here Prince Wooyoung? " I said looking at him and he smiled. " Yes I did Taehyung, I need to ask you something "

" Yes? " I said confused and Jungkook looked at me before Wooyoung grabbed my hand and stood in front of everyone

" Taehyung.....From the moment I saw you, I was blinded by your beautiful...Your so breathtaking, so ethereal....I've been here for a week and I can't look at anyone else but you...I don't want any maid or servant here...I wang you, come with me, come with me to my palace where we can get married Taehyung! Royalty and servant are allowed to marry each other

" We can be happy and go outside of the Kingdom as you talked about Tae," He said holding my hand as kissing it. I looked away nervously and everyone on in the office was looking at me like I was obligated to say yes

This isn't what I want...Wooyoung is a sweet guy, literally a sweetheart but my heart wants Jungkook. Yes, we have had our ups and downs but our times apart makes us realize how much we love and need each other...I love Jungkook with all of my heart and I can't live without him...

" Um...." I said quickly and he looked at me. My eyes shifted over and I could tell Jungkook was trying his better not to say anything and it was better not to

" Wow...Wooyoung, wow " I said looking him and then looking at the ring

" This won't benefit you, I'll pay South Union when Taehyung comes with me," He said and Her Majesty looked at the Prince

" How much are we talking, " Jisoo said and I started to panic

He is slick trying to trade me

" 10 million USA dollar of Taehyung comes with me," He said my eyes widened at the amount of money he was offering

" What do you say Taehyung? Will you come to my Kingdom and marry me? " He said looking at me

" I-I....I-I can't....I'm sorry but I just can't," I said pulling my hand away and he looked at me with wide eyes

"You're fucking up big time Taehyung! Do you know much money I'd get if you go with him? Take him! " Her majesty and I shook my head no and quickly walked out of office
I ran to my room and shut the door. A few seconds later, Jungkook opened the door...oh shit

" Did I just mess up big time Jungkook?" I said pacing back-and-forth and he grabbed me by the waist and made me look at him

" Now baby, you did the right thing, You just proved to me that you love me...I love you so much baby " He said and I smiled and kissed him hard. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we smiled at each other till my door was kicked in and everyone was looking at us

" Kim Taehyung.... you're so dead

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