Chapter 7

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

It is not fun. In sitting in the living room with Jisoo's hands all over me while our parents talk to hew wedding planet. This isn't how I wanted to
spin my relaxing Saturday

" So, I was thinking, a black and white themed wedding, we can get doves, lights, flowers, and diamonds included in  everything, including the couples clothes for the wedding and the reception

" That sounds marvelous! " Her Majesty said clapping her hands. My mom looked at me and frown, she knew I was liking the idea. She placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me

" It's gonna be okay, trust me," She said whispering to me. I sadly nodded and continued to listen to what the wedding planning had to say

" What do you think Jisoo and Jungkook? " My dad said looking at us

" I love the idea! Diamonds on my dress would look so beautiful, what's your opinion Kookie? " She said hugging my arm

" Sounds great," I said fake smiling and everything believed it except for my mom

" Anyway, May I get a glass of tea, please? If its not to much to ask " The wedding planner said and the Queen smiled

" Oh, I can handle that...KIM TAEHYUNG! " Her Majesty said yelling and Taehyung came rushing downstairs. He bowed and looked at her

" Yes Madam," He said

" Could you please go get us some tea from the kitchen?" She said and Taehyung quickly nodded and walked into the kitchen. I a few seconds later, he walked out with glasses and a pot of tea

He placed the glasses in front of us and started to pour the hot drink inside of them. No one thought it was a big deal when he bent down but lord...I saw everything

WHAT THE FUCK !?!? GOT DAMN! Why the hell does he have a big ass. Why am I staring? I'm literally staring at his ass

" Kookie? Are you okay "

I snapped out of my trance and turned to Jisoo who was smiling at me

" Yes? " I said looking at her and she kissed my cheek. " Did you want some tea? " Jisoo said to me and I nodded

I looked at Taehyung and he started to pour the drinking into my glass. When Jisoo wasn't looking, my eyes looked at Taehyung

He caught my glance at him and he looked at me in the eyes. I subconsciously licked my lips at him and he bites his lips and walked away

What the fuck just happened, was I looked at Taehyung's ass...what the hell...

I sighed and continued to listen to their rants about the wedding... I tried to listen to them but all I could think about was Taehyung...His face was so ethereal

Thanked God that they were finished cause I didn't think I could listen to them anyone

" Excuse me mom and dad but Kookie and I want some alone time, to get to know each other more, " Jisoo said smiling and pulling me up and leading me to her room

Oh god

She opened the door and Taehyung was putting up her clothes. " Taehyung, out, " She said pointing to the door and he looked at me and quickly nodded and walked out of the door. She locked it and turned to me

" Hello Daddy, we're finally alone," She said smirking and pushing me on the bed. She straddled my waist and pinned my arms above my head. She smirked and leaned down to kiss my neck

I sighed and decided to try and enjoy this cause she's gonna be my future wife

I wrapped my arms around her waist and sucked up my pride, and kissed her on the lips. She moaned and bite my bottom lip. She lifted up my shirt and started to kiss down my abs

I bite my to prevent a moan. She looked up and smirked at me. She lifted herself up and took off her shirt. I flipped us over and started to kiss down her name. I gripped her waist as I pulled her into a heated and hot kiss

She flipped us BACK over and started to grind on me. I bite her shoulder and looked at her in the eyes...

All I felt was lust...shouldnt I feel love also

We continue to kiss until her phone rang. She groaned and answered the phone. She started to talk and soon hung up the phone

" Kookie," She said pouting at me. " Yes? " I said looking at her

" Go get the servant and tell him to come here," She said rolling over and I nodded. I got out of bed and put my shirt on before walking out of her room and down the hallway to Taehyung room

I knocked on the door but no one answered it. I sighed and opened the door. What I didn't except was Taehyung walking out of the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water was running down his face cause his hair was wet...He looked so go

" AHHHHHH! " Taehyung said screaming and dropping his comb. " T-turn around! " He said blushing

" O-oh shit, I'm sorry," I said panicking and looking away from him. I knew I shouldn't have looked but, I opened my eyes a little and took a glimpse of his body

His body...Wow...His legs...his collarbone...his red lips...Why the hell is he prettier than Jisoo?

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