Chapter 12

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

Why did I feel like Taehyung was avoiding me? It's been a week since that night and he hasn't even talked to me once, the only time he talks to me is when Jisoo asked him to come get me. I don't know why but I miss talking to him

Today, Jisoo and I needed to talk about our wedding attire for the wedding with our parents, and Taehyung has to be in the room with us. I sighed and walking downstairs, I just really hope this doesn't get awkward, even though I know it will be

I entered the living room and slightly smiled at my parents even though I really didn't wanna do this right now

" Kookie! " Jisoo said smiling and kissing me on the lips, I kissed back and when I pulled away, Taehyung looked at me as he enters the room with cups of Tea for us

" Thank you, dear, " My mom said smiling at Taehyung and he softly smiled back. " Your welcome Madam," He said smiling and sitting back

I looked at him and he quickly looked away, I bite my lip in frustration

" So, We can have the suit and dress handmade so they can be a perfect fit, we can look through the details and designs ideas for the outfits, " The Tailor said placing down a sketchbook of designs and samples of fabric

While Everyone was looking at the designs, I looked at Taehyung who was looking down at his lap. I focused my stare on him till he looked up and caught my glare

I looked at him and it's like he couldn't look away from me

" Kookie! Do you like this fabric? " Jisoo said smiling at me and I nodded. " Yes, it's great Love," I said smiling and I caught till Taehyung didn't like it cause he looked at her with hatred

I tried to listen to what they were talking about but I couldn't help but my eyes would always glance over at Taehyung who was looking at me also

" We'll discuss this more tomorrow morning, " The Tailor said smiling and we all nodded. Taehyung quickly got up and walked down the hallway and I quickly slid myself out of the group and walked down the hallway

" Taehyung...TAEHYUNG! " I said slightly yelling and pulled on the arm to get him to stop walking. " What Jungkook, " He said looking away from me

" Why are you ignoring me, " I asked him and he didn't reply

" I said why are you avoiding me! " I said slightly yelling, I caught him off guard and he finally looked at me

" I'm not ignoring or avoiding you, " He said whispering

" Listen, I know it's been a week since that night but-" I started but he cut me off

" Forget about that night Jungkook," He said looking down and turning away from me. I stepped in front of him. " I can't forget about that night's not something I can just forget," I said placing my hand on his cheek but he pushed my hand away

" We need to get about that night, do you know what Jisoo will do to me if she finds out ?!? She can have me executed Jungkook! " He said to me. I knew he was right...

" Lets just..forget about it okay? I don't wanna get in trouble " He said looking at me. " Well....could....we kiss....for last time? " I said with hope in my voice

" Fine..." He said whispering and I immediately grabbed him by the waist and smashed my lips into his. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I held him by the thighs, pinning him against a wall

I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, I slid my tongue in his mouth, sucking on his slightly. I removed my lips from his and started to kiss down his neck

" J-Jungkook, enough," He said placing his hand on my chest and I slowly pulled away. " I...better get back to Jisoo, she may need me for something, " He said looking at me and I slowly pull him down. He took one final look at me before walking away from me

I closed my eyes and leaned back against a wall. Why can't I just fall of Jisoo like any other normal man?

" Kookie? What's wrong honey? " I heard Jin said to me and I sighed and motioned him into my room. " What's wring Kookie? " He said to me and I shook my head

" I don't know, everyone has been confusing in a week...I have to marry Jisoo....but, I feel something for someone else even though I don't like them" I said running my finger through my hair

" How are you talking about Kookie? " Jin said looking at me

" I can't tell...but, I know I'm not falling for Jisoo like I know I should, " I said sitting on my bed. He smiled and sat beside me

" Don't worry about it Kookie, your heart will tell you what to do? " Jin said smiling and walking out of the room. I sighed and laid back on my bed

Maybe...My heart will tell me what to do but...I don't even know what I want

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