Chapter 14

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~ Jungkook's POV~

Jisoo and I were walking down to the garden when someone bumped into us. The person's drink spilled on my white suit and I looked up to see Taehyung

" O-oh my goodness, I-I'm so sorry," He said panicking and I looked at Jisoo who was glaring at him with fire in her eyes. " What the hell Taehyung !?! " She said looking at them and he looked down

" I-I'm sorry Y-your Royal Highness, I-I didn't mean to spill my drink on you," He said quickly and Jisoo looked at him. " Do you know how much his suit coat? It cost more than you and you ruined it " He said yelling at him. It was that serious

" Jisoo, it's fine- "

" No! It's not fine! His clumsy ass ruined it! "

Dude, is she a drama queen? She doesn't need to yell at him like that...

" As I apologize, you will wash his clothes and clean his room, got it? " She said as he looked at me then looked back at her

" Y-yes, okay...I will " He said quickly

"You dismissed, " She said and he left. Jisoo looked at me and kissed me. " I'm sorry about your shirt baby," Jisoo said smiling and started to kiss my neck. I held her waist and kissed her back

" How about, you go to your room and I'll be there in a second, " I said smirking and he quickly nodded and walked away. I sighed and walked to my mom's room, she is always there for me when I need it the most

" Mom, " I said walking into her room. " Yes? " She said smiling and taking off her crown and placing it in a pillow

" Yes honey," she said smiling and looking in the mirror

" Can I ask you a question? " I said and she nodded

" So like...If I was to love someone right now, while the planned marriage is going on and I like really love them, would the marriage be canceled? " I said asking and she turned around to look at me

" Why do you ask? Have you met someone else? "

"No, I'm just saying it I did ...Would the marriage be canceled? " I said and she thought about it

" It could be, " She said looking at me and I quickly nodded, while walking out of her room. I wonder where Taehyung is....the laundry mat!

I quietly walked down to our big laundry mat and saw that the light was on. I walked in and saw Taehyung bending over

I leaned against the door am coughed. He quickly turned around to see me. He looked at me and just turned back around

" You know....I'm not upset about the incident earlier...It wasn't serious " I said to him and he shrugged his shoulder. " Well, Jisoo sure made it a bigger problem so now, I'm washing your clothes and I have to clean your room from the ground up as an apology, " He said tossing my shirt at me and I placed it in the basket

" Wash this for me while you're at it Taehyung," I said unbuttoning my shirt and taking it off. He looked at me and turned around quickly. I walked up behind him and I whispered in his ear

" Don't act shy?" I said and his breathing hitched and he slowly turned around, he tossed the shirt in the washer. He looked at him and I smirked at him

" I miss your lips on me, " I said looking up and down on him. " J-Jungkook, you need to forget about it, pretend you and I never happened, It's just gonna get me in trouble," He said looking at me and grabbing the basket

I took the basket out of his hand and backed him into a corner

" Why should I stop huh? " I said looking at him, bringing my face close to his

" C-cause, I don't wanna get in trouble," He said looking at my lips then looking at me. "You're not gonna get in trouble "

" Do you know how many dudes I've seen executed cause they looked at her funny? I'm not getting my fucking head chopped off cause your horny ever 5 minutes " He said groaning

" I'm not horny, your just really sexy," I said smirking and picking him up and placing him on the washing machine, his legs wrapped around my waist

" J-Jungkook," He said placing his hand on my chest and I smirked at him. " Don't you have some royal shit to do them being down here with me while topless, " He said pouting and tilting

" I could...but I will rather be down here," I said leaning down and lightly kissing down his neck

" Jungkook...." He said pushing me away and I looked at him. " I'm sorry, it's just, gosh your so irresistible..." I said running my across his lips

" Can I kiss you? " I said looking at his lips

" You said that last time and I gave in.....this is the last time, " He said looking at me and I grabbed his face and smashed my lips into his...They felt so good

I licked his bottom lip and he opened his mouth, I shoved my tongue down his throat. Sucking on his tongue. My hands roamed his back as he kisses me harder. We both were so into each other that we didn't hear the gasp from the entrance of the door

" What the fuck ?!"

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