Chapter 38

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~ Jungkook's POV~

Our bodies froze in place as everyone was looking at us. We had pulled away but they still saw us, plus, our arms were wrapped around each other

" What the hell is this bullshit! " Her Majesty said in pure disgust and I looked at Taehyung who was slightly shaking

" I KNEW IT! I KNEW TAEHYUNG WAS SLEEPING WITH MY HUSBAND! " Jisoo said yelling and launching herself towards Taehyung

" You sick bitch! " She said wrapping her hands around his neck and I was about to pull her away from him but my dad held me back

" Dad! Let me go! " I said yelling at him and one of the guards pulled her away from him

" LEAVE MY BOYFRIEND ALONE! " I said yelling at Jisoo and she looked at me

" Oh so, he is your little boyfriend? You and I are getting married and you're going to fucking like it! " She said yelling at me

" Can't yuh fucking see that I don't want you? I love Taehyung! I want to be with him! I don't fucking want you Jisoo! Get that through your thick skull! " I said harshly and she slapped me across the face

" D-don't touch him! " Taehyung said yelling while trying his best to break out of the guards tight on his arms

" I've had enough of you Taehyung! I want him executed now !"  Her Majesty said yelling to her guards and they looked at Taehyung who's eyes were wide opened

" W-what? Please no " Taehyung said shaking back away but the big guards grabbed him by the arms

" I want off with his fucking head! " She said yelling, venom was laced in her loud voice

" Leave him alone! Dad, let me go " I said yelling and tears welled up in my eyes as Taehyung looked at me. " I'm sorry Kookie," He said to me as Jisoo's guards dragged him away from us

" N-no! Please, don't hurt him " I said yelling and crying. I burst out of my Dads grip and tried to run after Taehyung but the guards held me back

" D-dad! I-I know this looks bad but you have to d-do something! You can't let them take h-him away! " I said yelling at him and he sighed

" Jungkook, I know your hurting but maybe this will help- "


I looked at both of them before walking to my room and slamming the door shut. I need to do something, I can't let them take my lover away

My door opened, revealing my mom. She closed the door and I couldn't help but cry

" M-mom! You have to do something! " I said getting on my knees crying my eyes out at the thought of my lover dead...I can't live without him

" I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you e-early about me and T-Taehyung, I-I love him, mom, he is my everything, I c-can't live without him, I-I can't eat or sleep without him mom. I need him, you can't l-let them executing, please mom " I said crying hard and she looked at me and getting down in her knees and hugging me

" Shhhhh honey, I'll think of something okay? I've known about your and Taehyung's affair " She said wiping my tears

" What? How did you know" I said hiccuping and wiping my tears

" I'm your mother Jungkook, I've seen the way you look at me okay? I'm not letting them execute the one thing that makes you happy okay? We'll think of something okay? I love you and I'm not letting them hurt Taehyung " She said holding my face in her hand and I cried in her shoulder

This is why I love her so much...She understands me

" What are we gonna be? I-I don't know where he is...or what time their gonna try and hurt him mom " I said sniffing

" Listen to me bun...I have a place but...Taehyung and you would need to run away, you both cant stay here if you wanna be with Taehyung, I'd miss you with all of my heart but they will they and hurt Taehyung again if you stay here? " She said and I nodded, understanding what she meant

" Where will I go ?" I asked her

" I....I'm not suppose to tell you this but I need too in order for this plan to work...We have an extra palace, it's far away from here, it's in another village...You and Taehyung could live there, you both could be happy by yourselves" She said hugging me

" Won't Dad and the other find us? " I said looking at her

" Honey...You and Taehyung are gonna have to fake your own deaths, you both will live somewhere else far away from here...You can still be royalty and live in a palace, and live a normal life as-well...Faking your own deaths will be the only way guards won't come after you " She said and I nodded at the plan 

I trust my mom with all of my heart, I have nothing else to risk so I'm going with the plan

" Make sure to keep your door locked while you pack your things for your leave, no guard will be a the gates at 12:00 am sharp, you have 10 minutes sharp to leave the palace or else the guards will return, " She said to me and I nodded and kissed her cheek

" Thank you for everything mom...I love you so much...thank you "  I said to her and she smiled

" You can drive my car when you and Taehyung leave the place, my car isn't traceable...I will meet both of you at the gates, right now, I'm going to go see where they are taking Taehyung, be awake at 11:00 pm" She said to me and I nodded and walked out of my room

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:00pm, I have 2 hours till I get my Taehyung back

Don't worry baby , your prince to coming to save you, I'm here for you

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