Part 5 - Lost in the Fog

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Dear Amazing Readers,

I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement after diving into the latest chapter of our journey together. Writing for you is an absolute joy, and I'm endlessly grateful for your support and enthusiasm.

If you found yourself immersed in the latest installment, if you felt your heart race, your emotions soar, or your mind wander to the depths of imagination, then I've achieved what I set out to do. Your enjoyment fuels my passion for storytelling, and for that, I can't thank you enough.

Now, I have a humble request. If you relished the latest chapter as much as I did writing it, would you mind sparing a moment to show your support? Your votes, comments, and recommendations are the lifeblood of this story. They inspire me to keep pushing boundaries, exploring new avenues, and crafting the best narrative possible.

So, if you haven't already, please consider leaving a vote to let me know you're with me on this adventure. Your comments are my guiding stars, offering insight, encouragement, and sometimes even a good laugh. And if you believe others would find joy in this tale, I'd be honored if you shared it with them.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible adventure. Your presence makes all the difference.

With boundless gratitude, 

Ash  <3


Kang's residence, Soho, Manhattan, New York

6:00 pm


As the clock strikes 6 pm, I practically burst through the door of my home, a radiant smile plastered on my face. Today feels different, special, and I can hardly contain my excitement as I rush to find my parents.

Mom, Dad, I'm home!

I call out eagerly, my heart racing with anticipation. My mother appears from the kitchen, her face lighting up with a warm smile as she embraces me tightly. 

Welcome home, sweetie.

she says affectionately, her eyes sparkling with joy. I can barely contain my enthusiasm as I practically bubble over with excitement. 

Mom, Dad, Thank you so much for finding someone so special for me.

I say, barely able to contain the excitement bubbling inside me. My parents exchange a curious glance before my mother speaks up, her tone gentle and curious. 

What is it, dear? You seem positively elated,

she observes, her curiosity piqued as she teases me. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I share the news that I've been bursting to tell them. 

I've found her, Mom. I've found the one, the woman you and dad choose. I loved her the moment I saw her.

I declare, my voice filled with emotion. My mother's eyes widen in surprise, her expression shifting from curiosity to delight. 

You have?

she exclaims, her voice filled with genuine happiness. I nod eagerly, a wide grin spreading across my face and the fact that my mother has been dying to see me get married to someone she choose is making me feel complete as it is finally happening.

Yes, and she's... she's perfect, Mom. The moment I saw her picture, I knew she was the one,

 I confess, feeling a surge of emotion wash over me at the memory. My mother's smile softens as she listens to my heartfelt words, her eyes filled with pride and affection. 

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