Part 21 - The Power of Her Presence

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Dear Readers,

Thank you for joining me once again on this journey through words and emotions. Your presence here means everything to me.

As you dive into this chapter, I ask for your feedback. Leave a comment, cast your vote. Your voice shapes the story as much as mine does.

I am sorry for the late update.. I have been busy with events happening in my university lately..

As for Jennie... What's next for her? Well, you'll just have to turn the page to find out.

With gratitude,

Ash Kim


11:00 am

Jennie's POV

As we made our way to the office together, I couldn't help but notice Y/N's shyness, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I bombarded her with questions about work and her company. Despite her attempts to remain composed, I could see the beads of sweat forming on her forehead, a telltale sign of her nervousness.

But strangely enough, I found myself enjoying every moment of it. The way Y/N reacted to my inquiries, her shy demeanor and nervous gestures, only served to fuel my own sense of satisfaction. Knowing that I had such a profound effect on her, that I could elicit such a reaction from her and her alone, filled me with a sense of pride and contentment.

As we stepped into the elevator, I couldn't help but be transported back to the previous day, to the intimate moment we had shared in this very same space. The memory brought a smile to my lips as I watched Y/N engrossed in a phone call, oblivious to the memories that flooded my mind.

The elevator ride passed in silence, broken only by the faint sound of Y/N's conversation in the background. As the doors opened on the Chanel floor.

Sorry, just a moment,

she said softly into the phone before turning her full attention to me. Her eyes met mine, warm and sincere, as she offered her well wishes for the day ahead.

Good luck at work, Jennie,

Y/N said, her voice filled with genuine warmth. 

I know you'll do great.

I followed Y/N out, my gaze lingering on her retreating figure as she wished me good luck for work and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

Her affectionate gesture left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, a soft smile gracing my lips as I watched her walk away, disappearing into the bustling crowd of the office lobby. For a brief moment, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, captivated by her presence and the lingering imprint of her kiss upon my skin.

But as I turned to enter my office, I was met with the knowing smirks of my friends, Jisoo, Rose, and Lisa, who had been observing the exchange from afar. Their teasing glances only served to deepen the flush of embarrassment on my cheeks.

Their teasing remarks hit me like a playful jab, a reminder of the intimate moment I had just shared with Y/N in front of them.

Looks like Y/N can't keep her hands off you,

Jisoo quipped, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

I bet Y/N can't resist those irresistible cheekbones of yours, Jennie unnie.

Lisa chimed in with a teasing grin, 

Or maybe Y/N just can't resist stealing a kiss from the most gorgeous CEO in town.

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