Part 8 - Bound by Paper, Bound by Love

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Ash Kim


Kims residence, Hudson Yard, New York

1:00 am

Jennie's POV

As Rose and I made ourselves comfortable on the balcony of my room, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of jasmine through the air, I felt a sense of unease settling over me. The day's events had left me restless, my thoughts consumed by Y/N. I knew I had to voice my inquiries to Rose, to quell the doubts that lingered within me.

So, Rose,

I began tentatively, my voice soft yet tinged with curiosity, 

what's she like when she's not in front of files and meetings? Does she have any quirks or habits??

Rose's laughter danced in the evening air, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she regarded me. 

Ah, unnie, already beginning your investigation into your future wife, are we?

she teased, a playful smile gracing her lips.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at her teasing tone, a reminder that she seemed to know her better than I did. Suppressing the feeling, I pressed on, eager to unravel the mysteries surrounding Y/N. 

Well, I just want to get to know her better, you know? It's important for me to understand who I'll be spending the rest of my life with. Its the least I can do for hurting her.

Rose nodded understandingly, her expression softening as she sensed the underlying emotions in my words. 

Of course, Unnie. But remember, there's no need to be jealous of our friendship. It's purely platonic. We simply have a mutual respect for each other.

I forced a smile, grateful for Rose's reassurance but unable to shake the unease that gnawed at me. With each passing moment, it felt as though I was betraying myself, fixating on someone I didn't truly love while my heart belonged elsewhere.

Despite my inner turmoil, I continued my interrogation, firing off question after question about Y/N's personality and preferences. Rose patiently indulged me, offering insights into her character with each response.

But with each answer she provided, the conflict within me deepened. I knew I shouldn't feel this way about someone who wasn't my true love, yet I couldn't shake the jealousy and curiosity that consumed me.

As the conversation gradually came to a close, I forced myself to smile and nod at Rose's words, grateful for her patience and understanding. But beneath the facade, I knew that until I confronted my own feelings, the turmoil within me would continue to grow, threatening to consume me entirely.

Rose's reassurance did little to quell the storm raging within me. As the conversation dwindled and the weight of the day bore down upon me, I knew I needed respite from the turmoil churning in my mind.

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