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You would never think me and kachan would be friends but thats how we are in school we don’t talk much. but ouside of school we’re like bestfriend.  We’re likes this because i don’t really like his friends from school but i don’t really think they are his friends. i think they just follow him because he has a strong quirk. my quirk hasn’t come yet but my mom told me its because i probebly have the some one as my father and his quirk is demon that’s practecally that he can do everyting a demon can. Mom also say it should come when im 10 now im 8 but i have kachan by my side.

~time skip~

me and kachan are both 14 now last year of middle school. When me and kachan foudn out my quirk we both were so happy. My quirk is demons blessing it’s the same as dads exept i also hav angels fethers. When we both started middle school we were both pretty popular because of our quirks we also were little dare devils we were baddas as you could say we did a lot of illigal stuff. We strated doing it at 12. We also wanted both to get in ua and when we both reseved our letters we did a sleepover and opend them together and we were so happy when we both got in. There was only one problem kachan told me an dare and he knows i don’t chicken on those and said i’m in but there is one problem with this dare. He dared me to play like a inocent child and ofcours i said your in and so is how i became the cinamen roll of class 1a. i hate it so much atleast i have some stuff in my dorm that i should not actually have. But only kachan knows that and it shoud stay that way. i also have a gf uraruka i don’t actually like her i’m gay and its going to stay that way too. I just thought to ahve some fun while i’m here. Kachan also knows likek everything about what i do so yea.

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