New school

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Sorry for all my misspells and stuff if you see them you can always say it so I can correct it thank you :)
I know most would think why would you already go to school again when you just moved. I know I know it's kinda weird but look it's dads orders and that are one of the only orders I follow okey for the rest I really ignore them. It was a really boring morning I think it took myself 15 minutes to finally go out off my bed but I always had a problem with that so it's okey but after getting ready and getting some toast I finally left the house after saying goodbye to dad. I don't know why that old man is up this early but don't care his problem. After the drive to the school with blasting music on I got to the school. I saw everyone looking at my car probably hadn't seen that one yet. I parked my car got out and saw a lot off eyes on me I ask heard some whispering but it's fine I went in to the school and searched for the principals office I knocked and he said I could come in so I did. "You must be izuku right?" He said with a friendly smile "Yep that's me" " okey then here is your schedule and this is elora she will tour you" he gave me my schedule and pointed at a girl. She then walked to me and we both left the room. "Give me your schedule so I can see what lessons you have" " Uhm okey" I then gave her my schedule she looked at it then at me and spoke again " lucky you you're in the same class as me" "ow okey so what now" I said and also dragging the o out. " I will just show you everything i guess, then I don't have to go to my first class" " yea fine by me" we then walked to different rooms and halls she told me what the room was and left again by the time first period was over we finished the tour and went to our next class home room. "This is our home room classroom" she pointed out and nocked on the door "so miss tell me why you are late" a really grumpy bitch looking person said "I was touring the new student around" " ow okey go to your seat and you are the new kid right" I just nodded " okey so my name is mrs Ellen and you can introduce yourself" I was already standing at the front off the classroom "so my name is izuku midoriya my quirk is demons blessing and don't fuck with me okey" I said with a glare to the class I saw some off them gulping pretty funny. " okey then midoriya, does anyone has any questions for him" she asked and looked around the room as nobody raising there hand an spoke again " okey then you can sit here" she said I was going to go to the seat until I heard an all to familiar voice " nha miss it's okey he can sit with us" Lucas said I'm so happy I'm in his class I saw him smirking and when I went to the seat right next to him I heard some whispers like how can he sit with them or how does he know them you know the ones.  Once I sat down Lucas turned to and said "I'm happy to see you again izu these are my friend you already met elora they are sara and Elise then these losers are jack and Cole" " hey it's nice to meet you all" I smiled at them " so is this the boy you where taking about yesterday" jack said "yea so what heb a problem with it" he said being a bit mad and it looked kinda hot can't lie can I. "No dude just wanted to ask because normally your not this friendly with new people you know" jack said kinda scared it was pretty funny to see "and so what if ik friendly with him he's a nice guy to talk too okey" he said and just looked the other way. The rest off the day was pretty boring except for hero training because I will do some test and I was a little bit excited because I wanted to see how much I had improved from last time. When we all got in our gym clothes and where standing outside the teacher began to speak "so because izuku is new here he will do the test from the beginning of the year now and see how far he stand on the list. Currently Lucas is standing in number one and I doubt that it will chance" "teach I mean I know from myself that I am pretty strong so I would not doubt yourself okey" " you do not talk to me like that I know my students really wel okey" izuku was smirking knowing exactly what to say " okey then bet I can beat Lucas and if I win I can do whatever I want whenever I want with the sins with me" I said proudly then the teacher laughed " okey bet but if you don't I can make you do whatever I ant in my les ours" we then shook our hands so the bet was placed. I knew I was going to win this bet and when the results came in the teacher was pretty shocked and so where the students I was a lot higher then Lucas score and I was proud I improved and won a really good bet " you should better go and tell the other teachers off our little bet now because me and my friends are leaving right guys" is saw them all nodding and we changed our clothes and left. "So y'all want to hang out in my house" I asked them and they all agreed we got to our cars and they all followed me to my house and they where all shocked when they saw it we got out and I heard Cole say "when you said you where rich I did not thought this rich" "nha it's okey y'all want to hang in my room" " yea sure" I heard a few say and we went inside and upstairs to my room we all went and said on something me and Lucas on my bed jack in my gaming chair and the other four in my couch then Elise spoke up " y'all up for a game of dare or drink"

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