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Me and kachan were packing my bags i actually did not have that much stuff when I was looking at it we had 2 boxes and my bag pack and then we heard a nok. I opened the door and saw mr aizawa " so your leaving" he said with a sad expression. "Yea is probably for the best but don't worry kachan can keep you updated for me and if your wondering I'm leaving today" I said knowing what he was going to ask. "Okey that's all I wanted to know and safe travels problem child" he said and left. Now it's just me and kachan again my flight left in 1 hour and my mom was going to pick me up so me and kachan took the 2 boxes to my moms car and got in. When we got to the airport mom told me that dad got me the private plane so I would not be bothered by other people. I then give one last hug to my mom and kachan and got on the plane after all the security stuff that was so annoying. The plane ride was around 13 hours but I slept for most of the ride so it was okey. When I finally got in America I got my bag and boxes and searched for my dad. Then I saw him with a giant sign with my name on it so I went over and saw my dad I gave him a big hug and he hugged me back " Izu I haven't seen you in what was it 2 years" " I missed you too sad van we go now" I said while separating from our hug. " okey common" we then got in the car( pls don't ask for pictures of cars because I don't know anything about that okey(: ). Also last year das got a new and bigger house so I'm really excited to see it.

When we finally got to the house I was flabbergasted of how big it was it was at least dubbel the size of the last one.

When we got on the parking lot of the house I saw a lot of cars but I was more interested in my room we both got out off the car and went inside the house dad showed me where my room is " I know it's a little plain right now but here you can go sh...

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When we got on the parking lot of the house I saw a lot of cars but I was more interested in my room we both got out off the car and went inside the house dad showed me where my room is " I know it's a little plain right now but here you can go shopping and it's for you it has no limit but still use it wisely okey" he gave me a credit card " okey dad and thank you I will leave now bye and love you" " love you too bud and enjoy it okey ow and you can choose a car from outside if you want and you can have it okey but pls ride save" " yea yea will do" dad then left my room I put the things a have away and I left my room to go and find a car. When I saw all the cars I saw one that I really liked.

I got the keys from one of the maids and went to the mall

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I got the keys from one of the maids and went to the mall. Once I was in the mall I went to go and find some skirt and oversized hoodies I really like to wear girl clothes they just fit me kachan knew this but didn't really care what I wear If I was comfortable in them then it was okey for him I was happy for that. After some hours of going to stores I got like 5 bags full and I went to the car to put them inside I really was struggling to get to my car I was almost at my car when I heard voice "you need some help cutie" i then turn around and see this really hot guy " uhm yea actually that would be nice" I answered him and also a little bit blushing. " okey give me the bags so you can show me where your car is and uhm the name is Lucas Henderson" " uh okey thank you Lucas and Uhm we are here actually" I then took my keys out and opened the trunk of my car he put all my bags " so are you already leaving or just putting your bags away" " just leaving the bags I'm going to do some more stuff yk" I saw him smiling a little bit " can I come with I have nothing to do and I want to be around your cute face some more" I blushed again " Uhm s sure" I said while cursing in myself for stuttering. " okey then let's go" he said and put his arm around my shoulder and we walked back to the mall.

When we finally were finished in the mall we went back to my car and asked " you need a ride or something" " no I have my own ride but your number wouldn't hurt right" he answered me with a smirk and I blushed again for like the millionth time today. I gave my phone to home and he put his number in it he gave at back said our goodbyes and went our own ways. It was really fun today with Lucas today we got to know each other more and I told him why I came here and he's a really nice and hot guy I also got some new piercings dyed my hair a bit black and I honestly think It looks so cool when I got home I went straight to my room because I already ate at the mall with Lucas dad the came into my room to tell me I was going to be joining the us here in America. I was happy and stuff I mea. I can go here to ua but it's till school. Right after my dad left I got an message from Lucas

Lucas <3

Lucas <3
Hey cutie so I forgot to ask what school you are going too

Oh yea dad just told me I'm going to the ua here

Lucas <3
Omg that's great me and my friends go there hope we see you here then

That's awesome hope I see you tomorrow then

Good night cutie ;)

Yea yea good night to you too Lucas

I got off my phone put some pj on and went to bed because tomorrow I will need to get up early to get ready for school because I don't live in dorms close to school and it's a 15 minute drive or so so I will need to get up early tomorrow.

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