Part 5

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At this moment, someone knocked on the door.
- Can I come in?

Petrus said in a cheerful tone:
- Rosalie! Come in.

Rosalie entered smiling and Godfrey stood up when he saw her. They looked at each other for a while with inflamed faces and tears in their eyes. Nathan, who was shocked to see them in this state, stared at them, too.

A few moments later, both Godfrey and Rosalie sat at the table, and Nathan thought to himself as his heart sank, what is the relationship between these two people? Even though there was no need for this question and everything was as clear as day, Nathan didn't want to believe what he was seeing with his eyes.

Godfrey poured wine for Rosalie, and Rosalie said to Nathan as she took the goblet from him:
- I really thank you for making Godfrey free.

Nathan stared at Rosalie for a few moments with a confused expression. Then he blinked a few times and as if he came to himself, he said:
- Please, it was my human duty.

Godfrey's forehead vein began to pulsate unconsciously upon hearing the human word, and he raised his hand and placed it on his forehead. Rosalie put one hand on Godfrey's arm and moved her other hand to his forehead.
- Honey, what made you nervous?

While his cheeks were red, Nathan was biting his lower lip and taking short breaths, he turned his gaze towards Petrus to see how he would react to this behavior of a nun, but to his surprise he saw that Petrus was watching the two of them smiling.

Godfrey removed his hand from his forehead and replied as Rosalie rubbed his forehead vein:
- Nothing important, my love.

After hearing the last sentence, Nathan felt something coming quickly from his stomach to his throat and mouth. He put his hand over his mouth and rushed to the bathroom, retching.

Godfrey and Rosalie looked at the direction he had gone with worried faces, and Petrus got up and went to the bathroom and said from behind the door:
- My dear Nathan, what happened? are you okay?

As he was kneeling on the floor with his head on top of the toilet bowl, Nathan retched again and then said:
- I... am fine.

- Please let me come in and help you.

- No, no, you shouldn't see me like this.

- Don't say that, let me come inside, please!

Nathan struggled to his feet and opened the latch of the door and fell back to the floor. Petrus entered and met Nathan's agitated pale face and sat on the floor in front of him.
- My poor Nathan, what happened to you?

As Nathan leaned his head against the wall, he began to sob and tears flowed from his eyes.

Petrus raised his hand, caressed Nathan's wet cheek and said in a soft voice:
- Tell me what happened so I can help you. I told you that I always take care of you, didn't I?

Nathan looked at Petrus' blue kind eyes and said in a tearful voice:
- Can you please hug me?

- Of course.

Petrus hugged Nathan's trembling body tightly, placed his head on his chest and thought to himself, what has made him restless and agitated? Nathan also listened to Petrus' heartbeat while the stream of tears was flowing from his eyes.

To be continued...

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