Part 7

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- Petrus, Godfrey may be as you say, but in any case, I can not fully trust you until I know the truth.

- I just don't want you to hear things that can lead you astray.

Nathan stared into Petrus' blue eyes and tried to sound convincing.
- This will not happen. You are by my side and guide me, you watch over my soul, don't you?

While doubt was visible on his face, Petrus remained silent for a few moments and did not say anything. During this time, Nathan maintained eye contact with him and held his hand tightly in his.

Finally Petrus said:
- Well, I will tell you the story of Levi. In order to understand the matter well, I have to tell you the story from the beginning.

Ten years ago, when I was a trainee monk, I met Levi for the first time. There was something about him that made me anxious and lonely at the same time, his white skin, cat-like emerald eyes, and fiery red hair made him like a creature from another world, and I was afraid that he would suddenly disappear from my eyes and never see him again. Even when he was in my arms, I felt that I was not close enough to him. His gaze pierced my skin and flesh like acid, and his lips healed these wounds.

With him by my side, I felt like I wasn't on earth and lived in another place, maybe above the clouds or at the bottom of the ocean. Maybe he had the wings of a bird or the tail of a fish and took me with him to his personal realm.

My life with Levi was like a dream, but the life of this dream ended soon. Three years after we met, when we were eighteen and about to graduate, Levi disappeared.

My heart was broken, but I tried my best to keep hope alive in it. Day and night I stood on the porch of my room in the castle, staring into the distance and waiting for him. Others advised me to forget him and go back to my life, but I didn't want to believe that Levi had left me and would never come back.

After a year he finally came. It was midnight and the light of the moon illuminated the space. I was standing at the porch, placing my hands on the wooden railings and staring at the multitude of trees in the forest, when he suddenly appeared. He was wearing a long black robe, walking slowly, his red hair blowing in the night wind.

With my heart beating so fast that it wanted to jump out of my chest, I left the porch and my room, took a torch from one of the walls of the long corridors of the castle, quickly descended the stairs, exited the castle door, and ran to him and stood in front of him panting.

Now I had the feeling that maybe I was in a cruel dream, maybe when I was standing on the porch waiting, the dreamland swallowed me and now at any moment I might wake up and face the bitter reality, the bitter reality of his ansence.

But when he came forward and pulled me tightly into his arms, when I touched him with all my being, body and soul, I realized that I was not in a dream world and that my Levi was really back.

We stayed like that for a while, tied in each other's arms and while the wind mixed our red and golden hair. Then we put our hands in each other's arms and moved towards the castle.

To be continued...

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