The last part

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The silver moonlight illuminated the dense forest and the only sound that could be heard in the middle of the night was the sound of sobbing.

This sound belonged to Petrus, who was kneeling on the ground somewhere among the thick trees, bowing his head and crying.

In fact, he did this every night. Every night since Levy was executed, he took refuge in the forest and cried in its arms.

Just as the vision of his eyes got blurred and something was blocking his throat and making it difficult for him to breathe, he suddenly felt a warmth in his shoulder, a soothing warmth that seemed to reach his heart from his shoulder and then flowed all over his body and it immersed him in the ocean of peace.

He turned his face and his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth remained open.
- Levy!

He jumped up and stared at the pale ghost in front of him.
- Is this really you?!

The ghost smiled.
- Yes Petrus, it's me, Levy.

Petrus started to cry again.
- I had felt you are still here.

- I could not leave here. My mission in this world was left unfinished and until I found a replacement for myself, I could not ascend to the sky with ease.

- And now you think you have found your replacement?

- Yes, I'm sure Nathan is that person. He will be the new host of the black heart.

Levy stepped forward, looked at Petrus' agitated face and raised his hand and placed it on his cheek.
- I know you have always believed in my goal in a corner of your heart, that you have regretted your past actions for a long time and while you are plunging between the two paths of good and evil, you are waiting for a hand to take yours and lead you to take the good side. My dear Petrus, let that hand be mine.

- Oh, Levy! I just want to get rid of this pain that has grown like a weed in my heart. I say my usual words and do my usual actions, but all the while I feel like a wind-up doll.

- You can free yourself from this pain, you can stop being a wind-up doll. I know you took the black heart out of my body before they burned it. Put it in Nathan's chest and make him the one you know.

- I will do this. I will, I promise you, my dear Levy. But tell me one thing. don't you hate me?

- My Petrus, until long after my death, I thought I hated you, but then I realized, that feeling was not hatred, but anger.

Now in my heart I have only one feeling for you and that is deep endless love.

- Oh, Levy!

Petrus put his head on Levy's shoulder and Levy began stroking his long golden hair.

They were now in the heart of the dark night, but both of them hoped to see the bright sunrise from the depths of their being.

The black heart of the one you knowWhere stories live. Discover now