Part 15

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Nathan pulled back and stared into Itachi's slanted almond shaped eyes.
- Brother, it is a great sin that you say such words to an innocent servant. I just shared my thoughts with Petrus the Great and he accepted my words. According to this scoundrel, harsh punishments not only do not lead monk Godfrey to the right path, but also plunge him further into darkness.

Itachi said with a mocking tone.
- Monk Godfrey? He is no longer considered a monk.

- There is still humanity in Godfrey and that means he is still considered a monk. Now please get out of my way so I can go inside and attend to Monk Godfrey.

Itachi gave Nathan a hateful look and walked away. Nathan entered the room and was surprised by what he saw. A large cactus was hanging from a pole in the room.
- What is this cactus? Where is Godfrey?

Then his attention was drawn to the black hair hanging from the end of the cactus and he realized that cactus is Godfrey.
- My God! What have they done to you?!

He ran towards Godfrey and saw many small cacti attached to Godfrey's body. He looked around and saw a pair of thick gloves in the corner of the wall. He picked them up, put them on and started removing the cactuses from Godfrey's face.

When the cacti moved away and Nathan was faced with Godfrey's scarred bloodied face, his liver filled with blood.
- How could they do such a thing to you?

Godfrey did not react. His eyes were closed and it was clear that he had passed out. Nathan removed the cacti from his body one by one and then untied her legs from the bar and lowered him down and laid him on the large table in the room.

Then he went to the closet, took out a cloth from there and took the container full of water that was on a small round table in the corner of the room, too and went to Godfrey and took care of his wounded body.
- it's horrible! Is it not a great sin to bring such a calamity on someone who is innocent?

When he finished cleaning the wounds, Nathan thought that Godfrey needed blood to restore his powers. He left the room and went to the kitchen immediately and said to one of the cooks:
- I need blood.

Everyone in the kitchen stopped working and looked at him with wide eyes.

- Poor monk Godfrey is very sick and needs to drink blood.

Realizing that the use of the monk prefix for Godfrey disgusted the inhabitants of the castle, Nathan decided to use it often mischievously.

One of the cooks said to him:
- Come to the back room. Today's hunt is there.

Nathan went towards that room and when he was passing in front of several cooks, he heard one of them said to the others in a quiet voice:
- He cares about that vampire monster, just like the one you know.

Nathan entered the room and saw a beautiful spotted deer tied to a pillar and looking at him with its big innocent eyes.

He went to the drawers and took a large container and a knife from them. Then he went to the deer, placed the dish on the ground below its neck and raised the knife, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

At this moment, he felt the weight of looks on him. He turned his face towards the door and noticed that the cooks were standing there staring at him with disgusted terrified faces.

He thought to himself:
- What is the problem? They were going to kill this deer anyway. Are they so horrified and disgusted because I want to kill this animal for Godfrey?

He turned his face away from the cooks and tried to ignore their presence. He took a deep breath again, swallowed, and drew the knife firmly against the vein in the deer's neck.

To be continued...

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