Part 20

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But it is only by stepping into it that they understand the origin of all the filth and pollution they have encountered during their lives is inside this castle. Where they enact laws in the name of God and holy things, deprive people of their authority and draw a line between creatures and categorize them.

Levy sighed and stared at a distant spot in the forest for a while without saying anything. While looking at Levi's face, Nathan decided to leave him with his thoughts to get out of his current state and start talking again.

Finally Levi said:
- You know, during my life I saw things that I feel even living in hell cannot erase them from my mind. The terrible behavior of monks with witches, vampires, werewolves and other dark creatures. How they label them as intrinsically evil and mean and turn them into their slaves. All this makes my heart bleed.

You know, I tried to make things better, but I failed, and the main reason for my failure was not Petrus' betrayal.

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise.
- So what was it?

- My wrong decision. I shouldn't have used my supernatural powers to convince people. I should not have controlled their minds.

When they found out what I had done to them, anger and mistrust took over their whole being and this was the cause of my downfall.

Nathan looked at Levy sadly and put his hand on his arm as a sign of consolation.
- But dear Levy, this wrong decision of yours should not have such a dark heartbreaking result.

- This is life, dear Nathan. Small mistakes and terrible consequences.

Levy said this and then stared seriously at Nathan's face.
- But you have to learn from my mistake. You will use your magical powers in the right direction. You will proceed with honesty and you will not deceive the people, and in this way, you will save them from the vortex of darkness.

Nathan blinked for a few moments and looked at Levi confused.
- What are you talking about, dear Levy? Don't you know that I don't have any supernatural powers, not even an iota?

Levy said excitedly.
- It is like this now, but your situation will change soon, I can feel it.

Sadness sat on Nathan's face.
- Dear Levy, the reason for these thoughts must be the immense similarity of my face to yours. That's why you think I will have magical powers like you.

- No, no, it's not just that. I feel a force within you, something that seems to be under your skin and flesh, flowing in your blood, and is eager to come out and shine like the flame of the sun.

The spark of excitement in Levi's eyes put Nathan to shame. Nathan didn't feel special at all. In his opinion, he was the most normal person he had known in his life. But if Levi reached such a conclusion, he would give up hope on Nathan, and this would make Nathan feel even worse.

Levy looked at Nathan's agitated face and gave him a warm reassuring smile.
- My dear Nathan, trust me, you are the one, my replacement. The black heart will choose you.

To be continued...

The black heart of the one you knowWhere stories live. Discover now