Part 10

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That night, when Levi and I were sitting on opposite sides of the table drinking tea in his room, there was a knock on the door. Levy asked who it was and a voice answered the same person who kissed your hand today and asked you to accept him as an apprentice.

Levy told him to come inside. Godfrey came in, his face flushed with excitement, knelt down beside Levi, took his robe in his hand and kissed it, and began to weep, saying that he knew who Levi really was and was so glad that he was finally appeared to transform the lives of the dark creatures.

It was here that my doubt turned into certainty and I was convinced that the creature in question was a vampire. Levy, who was clearly aware of the essence of that creature, placed his hand on his head covered with soft and shiny black hair, caressed him and told him in a kind tone that everything would change soon, his hard times will end and it will no longer be necessary to hide his nature and hunt in secret.

When Levi said the last phrase, my heart trembled. I asked Godfrey if he feeds on human blood. He turned his face towards me and gave me a cold look that burned my bones. Levy answered for him not to worry about it, Godfrey only drinks the blood of villains to the last and consumes the blood of others sparingly.

I asked Levy how he knew these things and he replied that Godfrey opened his mind to him and allowed him to read his thoughts. Hearing these sentences, I felt an unpleasant feeling. Not even a day had passed since the acquaintance of this vampire and Levi, and yet they had such a close relationship.

Seeing my upset face, Godfrey gave me a sarcastic smile and said, Why are you upset? You can share your thoughts with Levi, and of course you would prefer not to, because you don't want him to know your treacherous thoughts.

After saying these words, he turned to Levy and said, Master, the man sitting in front of you is not trustworthy at all, it is clear from his look that he only wants your body and hates your vision. Levy told him Petrus wouldn't do anything to hurt me, be sure of that. His thoughts gradually will change and at that time he will help me with his heart's desire.

Levy said these words and then raised his sleeve and held his wrist to Godfrey's mouth and told him sink your sharp fangs into my wrist and drink my black blood. This blood will bring you amazing power.

Godfrey's eyes sparkled upon hearing these words and his lips trembled with excitement. He lowered his head, opened his mouth and sank his fangs into the delicate skin of Levi's wrist. Levy let out a short moan and rested his head on the back of the chair. Godfrey was sucking and swallowing his blood with gusto, I could hear the blood running down his throat.

Moments passed slowly and I felt like I was trapped in purgatory. I asked myself, when will this dirty leech be watered? Heart pounding, I got up and walked over to Godfrey. Levy, now pale, lifted his head from the back of the chair and motioned for me not to approach.

Finally, after a period of time that lasted as long as a century for me, Mr. Leech got fed up and agreed to remove his blessed mouth from Levi's wrist.

Godfrey's eyes were dim, his cheeks were red, and a streak of black blood could be seen next to his mouth. Levy put his hand on Godfrey's head and fixed his emerald eyes on his golden ones. The expression of the two was as if they were making a mental connection and I deeply wanted to understand what they were saying to each other.

A few moments later, Godfrey got up and left the room. Levy also got up from the chair and went to his closet, but he stumbled on the way and I quickly went to him and hugged him.

I took him to the bed, laid him on it, and he told me that there was a strengthening potion in his closet. I went to the closet, found the potion bottle and removed the cork and placed the edge of the bottle on Levi's lips and gently fed him the potion.

Then I put the bottle away, laid down on the bed next to Levi, wrapped my arms around him, closed my eyes and fell asleep and had a nightmare.

In my nightmare, Levy ordered Godfrey to kill all the monks and nuns of the castle as well as the people of the town, and Godfrey, with the ferocity burning in his eyes, chose me as his first victim and jumped towards me.

To be continued...

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