Part 19

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Excited, Nathan ran up the stairs and corridors of the castle, past the monks and nuns, to a secluded place to talk to Levy.

Finally he found the place he wanted, a small square room with a balcony at the end. He entered and closed the door behind him. Then he stood in the middle of the room and while his breathing calmed down little by little, he closed his eyes and started calling Levy in his mind.
- Levy! Please answer my call, come to me and talk to me.

He repeated these sentences several times and then opened his eyes and looked around hopefully.

There was no living being there but himself. He thought to himself, why didn't Levy answer his request? Could it be because he finds his resemblance to himself unpleasant? Did he think Nathan was going to take his place?

As these thoughts were swirling in his mind, suddenly a voice behind him said:
- I think exactly the same.

Nathan jumped up and turned around. He was there!

A pale transparent figure with long red hair and dressed in monks' robes. He was Levi. Excited, Nathan said loudly:
- Levy!

Levy raised his finger to his mouth as a sign of silence:
- Hiss! speak quietly. Except for you and Godfrey, no one else should know of my presence here, otherwise they will hold an exorcism ceremony and send me to hell.

Nathan stared at him for a moment and then happily said:
- It is very good to see you.

Levy walked over to Nathan, stopped a step away and raised his hand to place it on his cheek. Nathan expected to feel a bone-chilling cold, but instead a pleasant warmth swept over his entire body.

Levy smiled and a mixture of kindness and mischief appeared on his face.
- I am also very happy to meet you. Now let's sit on the balcony and talk to each other.

They went to the balcony and sat behind the small round table that was there. Levy stared at the scene below and said as if in a dream:
- Looking down at the landscape from here has always been lovely for me. Those trapezoidal gardens full of colorful flowers, paved paths between them and the dense mysterious forest that calls you to it.

Nathan looked at Levy as if hypnotized. Levi's facial expression and voice attracted Nathan like a piece of magnet.

Levi continued his words:
- The first time when I was a small child, I saw this castle from afar and fell in love with it, just like you.

Nathan's eyes widened and his mouth hung open.
- You knew this!

Levi smiled.
- Yes Nathan, I know everything about you. Like me and many other people, you were fed up with living in a cramped dirty place and dreamed of coming to this castle, a big luxurious magnificent place.

All those who look at this castle from afar, see it as a promised paradise and do their best to be a worthy servant and be able to find their way to this paradise.

To be continued...

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