Part 18

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Godfrey sighed.
- His body was destroyed, but his ghost still roams around.

Nathan's eyes sparkled, his face flushed with excitement, and his heart beat faster.
- It did not occur to me that he is still here and I can talk to him.

Godfrey gave a smile that was both sad and happy.
- Yes, he is here... call him in your mind. If he wants, he will show himself to you.

Nathan, who was very eager to meet Levi and talk with him, shook Godfrey's hand as a sign of goodbye and left.

Godfrey closed his eyes to rest a little. Talking with Nathan had warmed his heart to a great extent and relieved his physical and mental pains. He thought to himself:
- From the moment I saw him, I unconsciously compared him to Levi in my mind. Are they really similar? Is the passion that Levy had for transformation also exists in Nathan?

What is this weak flame of hope in my heart? Should I let it burn with all its might?

As he was immersed in his thoughts, the sound of the door opening was heard. Godfrey opened his eyes to see Rosalie entering the room with puffy eyes and red cheeks. He was about to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep when he remembered Nathan's words.

So he tried to smile and look kind, though he had a strong urge to get up, give Rosalie a few hard slaps, grab her by the hair, drag her to the open window and throw her down from there, and hear the sound of her bones breaking with his sharp vampire ears.

With her head down in shame, Rosalie walked over to Godfrey and stood next to the table where he was lying.

Moments passed in silence until Godfrey asked gently:
- Don't you want to say something?

Rosalie suddenly started sobbing like gunpowder waiting for a spark and tears flowed from her eyes.
- Petrus said terrible things to me. He said that if you continue to drink the blood of humans, you will become an animal and you will lose your mind completely, and then... then there is no other choice but to put a sting in your heart and Burn your body to ashes.

Godfrey wanted to get up and shout that he would rather turn to ashes than be in the presence of Rosalie, that he wanted to join nothingness or hell and never see her tearful face again.

But instead he looked kindly at Rosalie and smiled.
- I understand. You did it because you were afraid to lose me.

Rosalie took Godfrey's hand in hers and lifted it to her cheek and said, still sobbing.
- Wow, my love, I thought you didn't want to see me or hear my voice anymore.

Godfrey thought about the disasters he wanted to bring upon Rosalie a few moments ago, how if he destroyed Rosalie, he would also destroy himself. But maybe this way was better. Perhaps being destroyed was the best thing that could happen to a vampire.

To be continued...

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