Part 13

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Nathan was walking in the corridors of the castle and thinking:
- If I had a proper place to live, I would leave this place immediately. I knew that Petrus had strange and extreme beliefs, but after what he told me, I realized that the situation is worse than I imagined.

As he was walking, he ran into Rosalie, who was standing on the corner of the wall, her hands folded in prayer and sobbing. He went to her and called her:
- Rosalie! What happened? What are you crying for?

Seeing him, Rosalie jumped up and started moving in the opposite direction. Nathan also followed her.
- Why are you running away from me? Why are you not talking to me?

Rosalie answered with a hoarse and tearful voice:
- Because Petrus told me that I shouldn't talk to you about what happened.

Nathan's heart sank upon hearing this sentence.
- what happened?

Rosalie didn't answer and made her steps faster. Nathan stepped forward and stood in front of her.
- Rosalie, you are scaring me. Please tell me what happened?

This time Rosalie said decisively and in a firm voice:
- No, I will not say. That time you managed to free Godfrey and prevent the redemption of his soul, but this time you can't. Don't think that because your face is like the one you know, you can convince Petrus to do anything you want.

Nathan's eyes widened in horror upon hearing these words.
- What have you done to Godfrey?

Rosalie grinned.
- Those who bring trouble to others are like the one you know and you.

She said this sentence and quickly walked away from there. With his heart pounding heavily in his chest, Nathan hurried through the corridors and stairs one after the other and reached Petrus' room and knocked on the door and said in a worried and anxious voice:
- Petrus, Petrus! Are you there?

Petrus answered in a surprised tone:
- Yes, dear Nathan, I am here, come in.

Nathan threw himself into the room, ran up to Petrus, knelt down and grabbed his robe.
- Please... Please tell me how Godfrey is now?

Dissatisfaction and anger covered Petrus' face.
- So Rosalie did not hold her tongue.

Nathan felt that he was about to lose consciousness from the intensity of worry. He was out of breath, his head was getting dizzy and his surroundings were blurry. But, no, he had to stay awake and rescue Godfrey from whatever situation he was in.

Petrus took Nathan's arms and looked at him worriedly.
- Look what you did to yourself! let me help you.

And he lifted him up slowly and sat him on a chair and sat in front of him. Nathan said as he tried to force air into his lungs and breathe slowly.
- Petrus, listen to my words.

Petrus, who remembered Levi's memory when he saw Nathan in that state, had tears in his eyes and said in an affected tone:
- I'm listening.

Nathan, who thought of the situation that Godfrey was in, made the world black before his eyes, tears rolled in his eyes and said:
- Thank you, Petrus, thank you for listening to me. I see and praise your great soul. A soul that wants to be the savior of all other souls, even the darkest of them. But severe physical punishments have no other result than inflicting pain on the soul.

Petrus leaned forward and fixed his wet blue eyes on Nathan's wet emerald ones.
- Past events are repeating themselves. I remember one night when Levi sat across from me and begged me to release Godfrey, not to punish him. Like you, he said that pain cannot redeem the soul.

Nathan tried to hide the disgust and anger he felt towards Petrus in his heart at that moment. How he wanted to wrap his hands around his white neck and squeeze so hard that a wheezing sound came out of his throat.
- Petrus, I don't know exactly what Levy did, but what he said to you is true.

Petrus shook his head as a sign of negation.
- No, it's not. A stone can be transformed into a diamond only by enduring extreme pressure and heat. The soul of living beings can be polished and perfected only by enduring severe pain.

- But it is wrong to compare stones and living beings with each other.

- No mistake, dear Nathan. How do you think I managed to get here and take over the leadership of this castle at such a young age?

After saying this, he stood up and took off his robe and shirt and turned his face, and Nathan's breath stopped when he saw the deep whip scars on his back.

To be continued...

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