Part 9

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When he saw my disbelieving face, he pointed to the trash can in the corner of my room and said look and set it on fire. I stared at the burning bucket while my eyes were wide and panic filled my being.

I was stunned for a few moments. Then I turned my face and looked at Levy's satisfied happy face. I leaned towards him, held his arms tightly, and as I was sweating with fear and anxiety, I told him that he must never use his powers again and that he must never tell anyone about what happened to him. .

In response, Levi gave me a meaningful smile and said that he had been practicing and strengthening his supernatural skills for the whole year so that he could use them for the purposes of the anti-monk wizard group.

I could not believe that these words were really coming out of Levi's mouth. As worry was biting and tearing my soul to pieces, I told him that Satan had poisoned his soul through those corrupt associates of his.

After that, I got up, went to my closet and took out the jar of holy water. Levy, who knew the contents of that jar, turned pale when he saw it and asked me in a panicked voice to remove the jar from his eyes.

Jar in hand, I walked over to Levi, and he huddled in the corner of the bed, in a scared but calm voice, told me to get the jar away from him, or he'd have to hurt me.

I put the jar on the floor, knelt at the foot of the bed and started sobbing. Levi came up to me, hugged my head and told me to be happy for him.

I said how can I be happy? When the monks, nuns and the rest of the people find out about his powers, they try to kill him. He assured me that he would not let anyone know about this and that it would remain a secret between us.

He explained to me what his plans were and how he was going to take over the leadership of the monks and nuns of the castle and change the rules. He said that there is a bright future for the residents of this castle and this city and he asked me to accompany him on the way to reach this promised future.

I felt like I was thrown into a dark and deep well with no way out. Either I should have betrayed Levi and exposed him, or I should have betrayed my faith and beliefs and made a pact with him to help him achieve his evil goals.

I chose the second way. Even though Levy was plunged into darkness, I could not imagine his destruction even for a moment in my mind. The thought of his death crushed my heart and caused eternal pain and suffering in my body and soul.
The next morning Levi met with the head of the castle and the rest of the monks and nuns and told them that a year ago he had a spiritual dream and a saint told him in his dream that he should leave the castle without telling anyone and go on a spiritual journey to enlighten his soul..

He was talking about his false travel experiences in such a way that for a moment I felt that maybe everything that happened last night was a nightmare and Levi really came back from a spiritual journey. While talking, he was standing on a platform, wearing a white robe, and the sunlight was shining on his face from the window, giving him the face of a saint.

When he finished speaking, a monk walked up to him from the audience and, as he shed tears, asked Levy to let him kiss his hand.

The monk had black hair, golden eyes, and pale skin, and as he took Levi's hand in his, the red diamond in his ring caught my attention, the diamond I had seen a picture of in the Dark Creatures book and knew that vampires use it against sunlight.

After the monk kissed Levi's hand passionately, Levi asked him his name and he replied that his name is Godfrey and his heart's desire is to be Levi's student and disciple.

To be continued...

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