Part 11

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What happened next happened quickly. Levy managed to use his supernatural powers to convince the high-ranking monks to implement his plans, and it didn't take long before the rules of the castle and the city were turned upside down, and now it was no longer the monks who determined the path of people's lives, but themselves. People had gained complete authority.

The class differences between common people and monks had disappeared and now everyone had the same rights. Up to this point I had reluctantly helped Levy, but when he started supporting the creatures of darkness, I couldn't take it anymore and pulled back.

Levy and his accomplices convinced society that dark creatures have rights just like humans. They repealed the law of execution of witches, vampires, werewolves and other monsters and were preparing to provide more privileges for these creatures when I took action.

Petrus got silent at this moment and stared at an unknown point.
- I told my father, the great monk, everything about Levi, I told him that they were influenced by his black power and made themselves the devil's playthings.

I don't think it's necessary to tell you the rest of the story.

Of course it's necessary, Nathan thought to himself. He wanted to know how the monks managed to capture Levi the wizard and the rest of his accomplices, how they were able to deal with their supernatural powers. What happened to the rest of the group of anti-monk wizards and how Godfrey is still alive as one of Levi's main accomplices and how Rosalie and Godfrey can be together without anyone doing anything to them.

He wanted to ask all these questions, but there was something in Petrus' face that stopped him, a mixture of anger and desperation. He decided to leave Petrus alone for now. He got up and was about to leave the room when Petrus called him.
- Dear Nathan, you were going to tell me something.

And Nathan remembered that he wanted to talk to Petrus about the strong feeling he felt towards Godfrey, but he hesitated because of Godfrey's warning.

If he was hesitant then, now he was sure that he should not say the slightest word about it. Upon hearing his words, Petrus would have accused Godfrey of using his supernatural powers to seduce Nathan and punished him severely.

He gave Petrus a small smile, went and sat down and started telling a fake story. He said that he misses his old home and neighborhood, but he can never go back there, because it was destroyed in a fire accident.

This was a complete lie. The neighborhood where Nathan lived was still standing and Nathan had left there by his own will. Narrow alleys full of the smell of urine, poor people, thieves and addicts and patients whose faces were like monsters due to leprosy and other skin diseases. His life in that place was a nightmare that he just wanted to forget.
Godfrey was hanging naked from a wooden pole and his long black hair was hanging in the air. He didn't know how he got into this situation, but the last thing he remembered was drinking from a cup of tea that Rosalie had given him with a smiling face full of love.

To be continued...

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