Part 8

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I took him with me to my room in the castle. We sat on the bed under the candlelight and he began to tell the story of his disappearance.

One night when he was walking in the forest facing the castle, he suddenly heard a sound. He goes to its source and comes face to face with a black cloaked figure whose face was hidden under the hood. He goes towards him and calls him, but the mysterious cloaked man does not answer. At this moment, he feels a pain in his head and loses consciousness.

When he regains consciousness, he sees that he is naked, tied to a wooden bed, and dozens of cloaked figures are standing over him. He asks them who they are and why they brought him here and tied him to the bed. One of the cloaked men pulls his hood aside and his face full of patterns and writing is revealed.

The background of his face is white, his eyelids are black, and strange unfamiliar letters can be seen on his cheeks, forehead and chin. He says that they are a group of anti-monk wizards and Levi is going to be their leader after his supernatural powers are activated.

Then he takes out a dagger from under his cloak and takes it to Levy's chest in front of Levi's horrified eyes. Screaming, Levi asks what he wants to do and the cloaked man tells him that he needs to take out his heart and replace it with a new one, adding that there's nothing to worry about, it's painful, but it does not cause an irreparable damage to Levy.

As Levi screams and calls them crazy, the man plunges the dagger into his chest, and Levi feels the life drains from his body for a moment as an excruciating pain engulfs him.

Blood gushes out from his chest and mouth and the man calmly moves the dagger in his body. Moments later, the man puts the dagger aside, puts his hand into Levi's chest and pulls out his heart. Levi watches this scene wide-eyed in horror, wondering how he's still alive.

At this moment, the man bends down, picks up a metal chest, places it on the bed, opens the door, takes out a black shining beating heart and places it inside Levi's chest. Then he puts his hand on his torn chest, whispers strange words and the wound on Levy's chest is closed.

Levy, who endured a lot of pain and pressure, loses consciousness again, and this time when he regains consciousness, he sees that he is wearing a black robe and his hands and feet are free. He moves his hand to his chest, feels the beat of his new heart and is surprised that he is not in pain and is fine.

He gets up and realizes that he is more than fine. It is as if a stream of energy is moving throughout his body, as if he was a dead body before that black heart was placed in his body, and now he has a soul and is alive.

He walks forward and sees the cloaked men sitting somewhere, some under the tree and some on the big rocks. A man who has had his chest ripped open and his heart replaced with a black one, stands up at the sight of him, walks over to him, fixes his coal black eyes on Levi admiringly, and calls him my lord. .

He then asks him to test his powers. Levi looks at a tree and imagines in his mind that the tree has been set on fire and wills that this happens in reality. Immediately the bright flames of the fire embrace the tree.

When Levi got to this part of his speech, as his eyes sparkled with joy and excitement, he asked me if it wasn't wonderful, and I looked at him as if he had lost his mind. I thought he met a group of crazy people in the forest, consumed hallucinogenic herbs and developed fantasies in his mind.

To be continued...

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