Part 16

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Blood gushed from the deer's neck and it let out a guttural moan. His legs became weak and bent and landed on the ground. Meanwhile, Nathan held the deer's neck so that its blood would pour directly into the container and not be wasted.

When the dish was full, Nathan took it and went to the door, past the cooks, out of the kitchen, and into the room where Godfrey laid.

Now the vampire had opened his eyes and Nathan felt a pleasant excitement and happiness at the sight of their golden color.
- My dear Godfrey, you came to your senses!

Godfrey gave him a faint smile and then tears welled up in his eyes and he sobbed. Nathan raised the container of blood to his lips and said in an encouraging tone:
- Drink this, you will feel much better.

Godfrey began to drink slowly, and with each passing moment, he drank more and more, eagerly gulping down the blood. The apple of his throat twitched with every sip he swallowed and Nathan wanted to touch his sore throat with his lips at that moment.

After a few moments, the sick look on Godfrey's face disappeared to a great extent and the blood inside the container was emptied. Nathan put the dish away, brought a chair forward and sat down next to Godfrey, taking his hand gently so as not to put pressure on his wounds.

Godfrey said in a hoarse voice.
- I can't believe that she did this.

- Who?

- Rosalie! She put something in my tea and it made me pass out.

- My dear Godfrey, you should not be too surprised by this matter. Rosalie may love you, but she's one of them anyway.

- But she risked her life to save mine. You know, when they arrested Levy and his accomplices, they also took me and put me in the dungeon. They wanted to execute me by fire, but Rosalie freed me and we ran away together.

Nathan stared at Godfrey with his mouth open. He could not believe that Rosalie had done such a thing. In fact, he did not want to believe it. He expected to hear that Godfrey has been forcibly joined with her..

- We managed to pass through the forest and reach the city. We hid our identity and settled in an inn. I was able to meet with one of Levi's old supporters and convince him to help Rosalie and I get out of the country by ship.

- Did you succeed?

Godfrey smiled as he stared at an unknown spot and his memories came alive in his mind.
- Yes, we went to another country, where there were no monks and not being human was not considered a crime. We started a new life there and were very happy.

- What happened that you came back here again?

- After some time, Rosalie showed a strange behavior. She was disturbed and agitated and had nightmares at night and woke up screaming. She often told me that we are sinners and both of us will burn in the fire of hell.

I talked to her a lot and tried to make her understand that these thoughts in her mind are the lies of the monks and she should forget them and look at life from a new angle. But I did not succeed. Her thoughts had formed deep roots in her mind and it was impossible to erase them.

One night, when I came back from hunting, I was horrified to see Petrus sitting on the sofa in the living room. Cold sweat settled on my forehead and I stared at him with wide eyes.

He gently motioned for me to sit down and then explained that I needn't be afraid, his sister and I will be safe, but we must return to the castle.

Nathan thought he misheard his sister words.
- Sorry, I don't seem to have understood correctly. You and?

- Me and his sister. Rosalie is Petrus' sister. Didn't you know that?

To be continued...

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