A New Mission

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I shifted into Fast Time and leaped for the pistol, barely knocking it aside before it went off.

The driver and I wrestled in the tight confines of the limo. Whoever this guy was, he was insanely strong. I was barely holding my own.

"Eric, get out of here!" I yelled.

Prince Val Tarran snapped out of it, reached for the door, and dove out of the limo. The driver dropped his pistol and rammed on the gas. The limo leapt forward and I fell back into the seat.

The limo tore down the street and emerged onto the main thoroughfare. The driver dodged around cars, maneuvering like a maniac. Cars honked at us.

I bounced around in the back seat and reached for my razor phone. I brought it out and aimed for the Driver's neck. A quick photon blast should bring this guy down, whoever or whatever it was.

The driver saw me and whipped the wheel hard to the right. I flew back against the back seat, and my razor phone slipped out of my hand.

The driver slammed on the brakes again, ran the limo up on the sidewalk and brought it to a screeching stop. The driver kicked open the door and dived out.

I searched for my razor phone, but there was no time to find it. I couldn't let this guy get away. I opened the door and got out on the sidewalk. I saw the driver running away and heading for the subway entrance. I gave chase, dodging through the crowds of people.

The driver moved insanely fast, too fast to be a human. I pushed myself to the brink trying to keep up with him.

The driver ran down the steps. I followed and chased him onto the platform. Without missing a beat, the driver leaped off the platform and ran into the black subway tunnel.

I had no choice. I had to follow. I jumped off the platform and ran into the black mouth of the subway tunnel.

I strained to see in the darkness. I didn't have my razor phone, so I couldn't call for backup or even scan the area. I was on my own.

Suddenly, the driver leaped out of the darkness. He whipped out a long knife and grinned. "I'm going to enjoy killing you, Ranger."

I tensed myself. I could use the Wend on this guy but I wanted to find out who he was working for. It was probably the Empress but I had to find out.

Suddenly, a low rumbling could be heard and the bright lights of an oncoming subway train appeared just around the bend. The train picked up speed and hurtled towards us.

"Who are you working for, creep? The Empress. The Grimm. You might as well tell me now and get it over with." I said.

"You humans. Always wanting to know the answer to things," the driver said and leaped at me.

I nailed him with a Fast Time kick to the midsection, and the driver went down. I jumped onto the next track out of the path of the oncoming subway train. The driver got to his feet, grinned at me as the subway train ran him over. I turned away in horror.

Later, after I had retrieved my razor phone from the limo and the authorities had conducted their investigation. I went back to my brownstone to find a familiar black car sitting outside. I smiled when I recognized the beamship Cassie. The door opened and I slipped inside to find Nicole and David waiting for me.

"How is Prince Val Tarran?" I asked David.

Nicole scoffed, "You should be more concerned about your own skin, Grant. Did you enjoy your little date?"

I rolled my eyes. There were times when I wanted to feed Nicole to the Wend. This was definitely one of those times.

"Prince Val Tarran is fine. We've got him at safehouse until we find out who's behind this assassination attempt," David said.

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