Duty Calls

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A number of long subway rides later and we arrived at Coney Island. The place was packed, and Thomas and I made our way through the crowds until we got to the Cyclone. Thomas gazed up at the wooden structure of Coney Island's famous roller coaster.

"We're going to ride on that? I don't think so."

"Come on you, coward. Where's your sense of adventure?" I said playfully as we got into line.

Thomas and I had a blast riding the Cyclone. Thomas had so much fun that he immediately wanted to get on and ride again, but I was hungry and wanted to get a hotdog. We got in line at the Nathan's Famous hotdog stand.

"Wait, until you try this, Thomas. You won't believe how good these are," I said.

"I've eaten hot dogs before, Eliza."

"You've never had a Nathan's famous before, Tom. This is where the hot dog was perfected."

"All right, but it better be good. I see a place where I can get a cheeseburger," Thomas grumbled.

I stepped up to the counter and ordered two hot dogs with mustard and two cokes. I handed the hot dog to Thomas who looked at it skeptically. We went and sat down on a bench on the boardwalk and looked out at the ocean. It was a beautiful day and the ocean waves gently crashed into the beach. It was so soothing. It was just what I needed. Peace and quiet after the trauma of the Temple of Trials.

"You know, this isn't bad," Thomas said through a mouth full of food, "I could actually get to like this."

I nodded my sentiments and munched on my hot dog. I just wanted to rest in this moment. Enjoying the sun with one of my best friends. Was there anything better?

"Having fun, worms?" a familiar voice said behind us.

I sighed. Only Nicole Heidegger could automatically have the power to ruin our perfect day.

I turned around to see Nicole standing there with a smirk on her face. She was dressed simply in jeans and an I love NY t shirt. She looked like any typical teenage girl that was out to enjoy the surf and the sun. Except, I knew different. Nicole was a cold blooded killer and one of the nine Dragon Riders of Blackstone. I don't know why I didn't like Nicole. Only that she clearly didn't like me. By still calling me a worm when I had proven myself as a Ranger on multiple missions, clearly showed what she thought of me. Well, I couldn't concern myself with that now.

"What do you want, Nicole?" I said.

"Where is your razor phone, Grant? Rangers are supposed to have it on them at all times," Nicole said.

"I left it back at my apartment. I'm off duty for the next few days."

"Rangers are never off duty, Grant. That's rule number one, right there. If you had had your razor phone then I wouldn't have to trek all the way down here among this mob of commoners to tell you that you're wanted back in control. Colonel Nash has something very important to tell you, and it can't wait."

"What could be so important that she sends you down here to bark at us," Thomas said.

"Adebayo, one of these days that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble. Now get your asses in gear. We've got to take the nearest jump door back to Control," Nicole said.

We followed Nicole and took the nearest jump door back to Blackstone Control. I was amazed to see the amount of activity that was going on. Psionics and Hackers rushed around Control, and the whole area was in a state of controlled chaos. You could feel the intensity in the air. I saw Major Reynolds talking with a bunch of Psionics. He straightened up when he saw Nicole.

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