A Strange Fellow

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I woke up in darkness, surrounded by ice and snow. For a second, I felt the iron cold grip of panic starting to settle in. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe. I thought back and remembered my training. Fear kills. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. Obviously, I was buried in the snow, but what was I going to do? I tried to move my arms and legs, but it was almost impossible. I was trapped. I reached for my Razor Phone. It seemed like I was never going to be able to grab it, but finally I snagged the silver metal phone and activated the red cutting laser.

It took hours to cut my way out of the ice prison that I was in, but I eventually succeeded and broke my way through to the surface. Sputtering and choking, I climbed my way out and looked around to see if I could find my friends. I started scanning with my razor phone. Just then, the warm glow of a cutting laser revealed itself to my left. David burst out of the snow.

I ran to him and helped him out of the snow.

"Thanks, Grant," David said.

"You got it, Ross," I answered.

David looked around," We've got to find, Adebayo and Li. Help me."

David and I scanned with our Razors, desperately searching for our friends in the snow. The wind bit into our faces and the darkness pressed all around us. It was bleak and lonely on the mountaintop. I couldn't bear to think of Thomas and Yin trapped in the snow, suffocating under the tons of ice. Finally, David picked up on a weak pair of signals coming from a snow bank next to us. David sheathed his Razor and took out his Etheric Knife.

"There they are," David said.

I took out my Etheric Knife and David and I streamed Dragon Fire at the snow bank. Soon, the mass of snow melted enough for us to dig with our hands. We furiously pawed through the snow, shoveling with all our might, desperate to reach our friends. Finally, I saw the limp forms of Thomas and Yin. They were huddled together in a fetal position under all the ice.

"Thomas!" I shouted and shook my friend.

David and I pulled Thomas and Yin out of the snow and scanned them with our Razor Phones. The readings came back and they didn't look good. Thomas was unconscious and looked he had suffered a concussion. Yin slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank you," she said.

"You got it," I replied.

David and I turned our attention to Thomas. We activated our Razor's healing app. A blue light lanced out over Thomas's head and eventually he opened his eyes. Thomas sat up weakly.

"Bloody Hell, does anybody have an aspirin. I've got the worst headache," he said.

I gently punched him in the shoulder, "Sure I'll just run down to the nearest 7-11 and get some."

David stood up and looked around at the terrain. He consulted his Razor Phone.

"All right, team. Let's focus. We've got to get out of range of the Grimm's Jamming Shield. Adebayo, can you chart us a path out of these mountains?"

"I'm on it, Sir," Thomas said and took out his Razor Phone. He walked off by himself and started scanning.

I turned to Yin Li who was shivering in the frigid cold. I went and wrapped my arms around her. I touched my Photon Belt and my Jump Suit increased in temperature until it was like I was standing in the brilliant rays of the Sun. Yin sank her head into my chest and soaked up the warmth.

"Hey, are you all right?" I said.

Yin's teeth chattered and she nodded, "I think so, but I must tell you that we still have a long way to go. There is something we have to do, before we can leave these mountains."

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