Against All Odds

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We stepped back, gathered ourselves and jumped into Fast Time, hurling ourselves across the pit. The blue lasers shot out narrowly missing us. We landed on other side of the pit and ran through the door just as the Grimm Monkeys swarmed out.

David slammed the door shut on the shrieking mob of monkeys and turned to us. He glanced at his watch.

"We've only got ten minutes before midnight."

"There's got to be a way to get to the top of this bloody compound quicker," Thomas said.

I glanced at a window that looked out on the mountains.

"I think I've got an idea, guys," I said.

I took out my razor phone and blasted out the window.

"Let's use our grappling lines," I said and took out my etheric knife.

"Brilliant idea, Grant," David said and whipped out his etheric knife.

We all climbed out onto the ledge. I resisted the temptation to look down, but couldn't help it. Cold wind whipped at us and we struggled to hold on. Thousands of feet below us were jagged rocks.

"Bloody Hell, I take back what I just said. Let's use the elevator," Thomas said as he took in the view.

"There's no time for that. All right, everyone. Use your grappling lines," David said.

We reached for our etheric knives and shot out our grappling lines. Quick as a flash, three spider lines shot out and attached themselves to the roof of the compound. We quickly rose through the air until we were dangling just below the roof. David, Thomas and I then quickly dropped down and landed on the narrow ledge.

David pointed to a nearby window and motioned for quiet. We crept along the window ledge until we were outside the window. David took out his razor phone and scanned quickly. He motioned for us to follow him. David reached out and pushed the window open and we quickly slipped inside.

It was certainly a magnificent bedroom. Richly decorated with luxurious furniture and statues of angry Tibetan gods surrounding the room. Against the wall was a large four poster bed and on it slept Yin Li. She looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't want to disturb her. Suddenly, she got up, stretched and yawned and looked at us. She didn't seem surprised at all.

"I knew you would come," she said.

"Yin, we've come to get you out of here," David said.

"It's too late, my friends," Yin said.

"The hell it's too late. We didn't come this far to fail," I said.

"Yeah, we'll just signal for a jump door and be on our way," Thomas said.

"Jump Doors won't work here, my friends," Yin said.

"Why not," David said.

"The triads have worked with the Grimm to develop a jamming shield. I'm afraid you're going to have to fight your way out of here."

"Then we'd better go now," David said.

"Just leave me," Yin said.

I stepped forward and sat on the bed beside Yin. "Listen, I know that you've come through a tough stretch, but we're not leaving here without you. Do you really want to die that much?"

"It is my destiny," Yin said.

"Destiny, my ass," I said and hauled Yin to her feet.

"Come on," David said and ran to the bedroom door.

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