Back in the Arena

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I woke up to find myself back in the same dank cell that David and I had spent so much time in during the Temple of Trials. I don't know if it was the same one or a different one but it sure looked like the same one. The same water dripped from the ceiling and the same smell of damp earth and mold was present. I sat up and found David watching me in the corner of the cell.

"How are you feeling?" David asked.

"Terrible. Like I got run over by a truck," I said and struggled to sit up.

"Take it easy. You got hit pretty hard by that energy lance," David said.

"Looks like we're back in the same wonderful accommodations. We should really talk to our travel agent. This is terrible. I'm writing a negative review about this dump as soon as we get back," I said.

David smiled, "I like your optimism. That's if we find a way to get back. I think we're in some pretty hot water with the Church of Darwin."

"Have you heard anything? What happened after I got knocked out?"

"I don't know. They stunned me, too. I woke up about an hour ago and found ourselves here."

"At least, Nicole and Thomas got away with the Prince. The mission was a success."

"I hope they did."

We sat in silence for a while. There wasn't even any bread or water for us to eat. The pickings were pretty slim. I sat and watched the water drip from the ceiling.

"Why did you come back for me, Eliza?" David asked after what seemed like an eternity.

"I couldn't let you share this luxurious cell all by yourself. What would be the fun in that," I joked.

David sat down on the cot beside me.

"No. That's not the reason. You've risked your life for me several times. Why?"

I could feel David so close to me. He was always so warm. I wanted to reach out and touch his soft skin. To feel his arms around me. To lose myself in him.

"Look, Ross, that's what teammates do for each other. Isn't that the Blackstone way. One for all and all for one, or something like that."

"Something like that," David said and took me in his arms and kissed me.

I lost myself in his embrace. It was only times like this when I was with David that the cold presence of the Wend was far away. I put my arms around him and pulled him down on the cot. We lost ourselves in each other, and I was glad.

Suddenly, a door slammed open and the sounds of boots marching down the hallway could be heard.

David and I sprang up and adjusted our jumpsuits.

The lead guard, the one with the wicked scar, appeared at the door of our cell.

"Well there's the two young lovers. I hope we weren't interrupting anything, but you're wanted in the Arena. Father K has something special planned for you both."

Just then, a shimmering jump door opened in our cell.

"I suggest you go through that, if you want to live to see another day," the lead guard said.

"Something tells me that we're better off staying here," David said.

The lead guard motioned to his other guards who activated their energy lances. I could see and hear the deadly energy glowing at the tips of their lances.

"I suggest you stop talking and start walking, Ranger. Or you're going to get something far worse and more painful," the lead guard said.

I stepped up to the front of the cell and got right in the face of the lead guard. "You want to see something worse. I'll be happy to show you. Just keep running your mouth."

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