A New Ally

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"First things first. We'd better find that dragon."

David took out his razor phone. "I can rig my phone so it sends out a subsonic signal that only dragons can hear."

I looked at my watch and scanned the sky. Already the sun was going down. We didn't have much time.

"Go ahead and do it. I don't know what we're going to do when the dragon arrives, though." I said.

"We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it," David said and made the adjustments on his phone.

We spent the next hour waiting for the dragon to show up and watching our time tick down. Finally, two hours later the familiar bellow of the Dragon came from the sky.

The magnificent looking creature circled around the town and landed in the street.

David and I were hid behind one of the buildings. We watched the dragon and looked at each other.

"All right. Now what do we do?" I said.

"You tell me. You're the dragon whisperer." David said.

I could tell that the Dragon was getting irritated. It snorted and pawed the ground. Smoke bellowed from it's nostrils. I didn't know what David and I were going to do, but being stranded on this rock for another hour was something I just couldn't stand, so I stepped out from behind the building.

"Hello," I said softly to the Dragon. The Dragon cocked it's head and looked at me. I only had a few seconds.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." I said and slowly walked towards the dragon.

David followed behind me. "Grant, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Yeah, so do I." I said and continued to approach the dragon. Up close it was both magnificent and terrifying. Black and gold scales shone in the desert light. A thick beard hung from its chin and wise eyes looked back at me. This dragon was bigger and badder then any of the dragons of Earth. I could tell it was a wild being but still intelligent. I tried to remember back on that day when we David had taken me out for beamship training and we had found the baby dragon. I don't know what I had done to make it calm down, but I tried to remember.

I approached the dragon and got as close as I could to it.

"Amazing. I've only seen a handful of Dragon Riders that have been able to get this close to a wild dragon," David said.

I stepped closer to the Dragon and saw a metal chain around its neck. Dangling from the chain was a small razor phone.

"Easy, boy. We're not going to hurt you," I said and reached for the razor phone.

Suddenly multiple jump doors opened up and automated killer drones came pouring out! They fired deadly energy beams at us.

The dragon shrieked in fury and spread its wings. It turned around, spewed dragon fire at the drones and raised its wings to take off. I didn't know what else to do so I leaped on the Dragon's back.

"Come on, Ross!"

David jumped on the dragon's back and we took off into the sky.

David and I clung on for dear life as the dragon whirled and dove. The killer drones followed shooting energy bolts at us.

"What's the plan, Grant?" David shouted in my ear.

"Just hang on!" I shouted back at him. "See if you can shoot down some of those drones."

David grabbed his razor phone and fired photon blasts. One of the drones exploded in flames and plummeted to the desert floor.

Suddenly the dragon dove towards the desert floor. David and I struggled to hang on. The drones followed us, firing energy beams all the time.

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