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The Death Eels moved slowly because they had just fed, but apparently they were still hungry. The black mass swam straight for us. I could see rows upon rows of sharp teeth in circular mouths that opened and shut in anticipation of another feast.

I grabbed David's arm, "Ross, we've got trouble!"

David's eyes opened wide when he saw the death eels.

"Come on!"

We swam for the open elevator shaft like our lives depended on it, because they did. I didn't come all this way through the countless horrors of the Temple of Trials to end up as eel food.

We reached the open elevator shaft and kicked for the surface. We broke through the surface.

"Quick grappling lines!" David said.

David and I grabbed our Etheric knives and shot the grappling lines from them up the elevator shaft. We shot out of the water just in time. The snapping jaws of the death eels jumped out of the water after us, just missing our feet.

We zipped up the elevator shaft and out of danger. David grabbed onto a ledge that led to another corridor and hauled me up. He checked his phone.

"How are we doing on time?" I asked.

"We've got less than two hours until the heat shields fail, and we're only a few levels away from the shuttle craft."

"Any sign of Team One?"

"No, I've lost them. Maybe it's because my phone is low on power. I don't know, but I can't read them any more."

"Maybe, we're the only ones left. After what happened to those poor prisoners from Rigel Seven," I said.

"I wouldn't count on it. The Dra Khan are some of the toughest fighters in the galaxy. I'll bet you five dollars that they're still in contention," David said.

"I'm not taking that bet. I remember fighting them in UN library. They were tough fighters," I said.

"And those were Grimm Dra Khan. Not as tough as the real thing." David said and forced the door to the next level.

We ran down the next corridor which eventually opened up into a vast hangar bay where dozens of space ships from it looked like all across the galaxy were assembled. They were all in a sorry shape. I wondered if this was a junk freighter.

"What's the trap here?" I said to David.

A jump door opened in mid air and a camera came out. The holographic form of Father K shot out. "Well, here we have our two young lovers. I see there's been very little time for kissing on this adventure. How did you like the Centaurian Death Eels?"

"Very cute, Father K. Is that your idea of a good time. Did the ratings go up when those two poor prisoners got eaten alive?" I said to the hologram.

"Eliza Grant. I'm getting used to your mouth. I shall miss you when this is all over. Certainly, you've come to be an audience favorite, but I'm afraid only two of you are going to survive," Father K said.

"You'd better get used to us, Father K. We're going to be the only ones to visit you when we throw you in jail," David said.

The image of Father K shook with laughter, "Such confidence. I've always liked that in you, young ranger. We shall see. Now let me tell you a little bit about this level. Only one of these space craft is functional. You have to find it and pilot it out and don't worry I've told the other contestants the exact same thing. They don't know where it is either. Good luck. And, you'd better hurry up, things are really starting to heat up."

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