A Sacred Rite

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I landed at the base of DragonMountain. Behind me, David, Thomas, and Nicole jumped in. We looked around and got our bearings. David took out his razor phone and started scanning.

"The elders have assembled. The duel is set to begin," he said.

Nicole pointed at the peak of Dragon Mountain. I could see dragons flying around it in a circle.

"Are we too, late?" I said.

"Too late for what, Ms. Grant?" a rough gravelly voice said behind us.

We all spun around and found the wizened form of Dr. L standing there behind us. He leaned against his walking stick and smiled. Dr. L pointed at the peak of the mountain.

"What you are about to see hasn't happened in over a thousand years. A duel for supremacy is a beautiful thing when you stop to think about it," Doctor L said.

"Doctor L!" I said and rushed to him. Doctor L patted me on the shoulder.

"Is there anything we can do to stop this from happening?" David said.

"Human interference is strictly forbidden, Agent Ross.  Only the dragon riders of Seth and Joseph can can participate in the Rite," Doctor L said.

I wanted to scream. It seemed like everything was spiraling out of control. This past week, I'd been subjected to all sorts of dangers and risks. I'd been paraded in front of a blood thirsty mob and made to perform for entertainment. The one good thing that had happened to me was finding Seth and I wasn't about to see him killed or Joseph too.

"Dr. L, I'm not going to let anything happen to Seth. I don't care what some musty old dragon law says," I said.

Nicole stepped forward.

"We've come as Dragon Riders to invoke the Rite of Exile, Doctor L," she said.

Doctor L eyes opened wide. He leaned against his walking stick and thought about what Nicole said.

"Exile. Agent Heidegger do you know what you're asking?"

"We do, Doctor L. Joseph is old and has never faced a challenger like Seth before. It's the only way we can save both of their lives," David said.

"You've got to help us, Doctor L. Please understand that all we want to do is help Seth and Joseph," I said.

Doctor L closed his eyes. We all waited for what felt like an eternity. Finally, he opened his eyes and pointed at me and Nicole.

"Very well. Follow me, young ones."

Doctor L tapped his walking stick into the ground. In front of him, a jump door appeared.

"Understand that what you are about to see is something that very few humans have witnessed. This is sacred ground you are walking on," Doctor L said.

"We understand," I said.

Doctor L nodded and walked through the jump door.

I looked at Nicole. She looked back at me. Whatever was about to happen, our lives would never be the same after this.

I turned to walk through the jump door, but David grabbed my arm.

"Eliza, be careful," he said.

"Yeah, for God's sakes watch yourselves up there," Thomas added.

"We will, David," I said.

"Thanks for asking about me," Nicole said with a tight smile.

"You know I feel," David said to Nicole.

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