The Desert Planet

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We landed in a vast desert. All around us were empty dunes that stretched for miles. The sun was blazing hot. I started to sweat almost immediately. I felt something in my black jumpsuit compensate and I instantly cooled down.

"It's a good thing we've got our Ranger jump suits. They're designed to sustain us in almost any environment. The suit will recycle our sweat and keep us cool," David said.

"Groovy. But we've got to find water," I said.

Suddenly, a Jump Portal opened in the air above us and a camera floated through. The camera zoomed in on us and a hologram of Father K projected out. "Rangers of Earth. You're first round in the Trials is the desert planet Zev. You have just three days to cross these wastes and find a jump portal. After 3 days you'll be stranded here. Do well in the Trials and you'll be rewarded with food and water. Do poorly and you die. Of course, what would the Temple of Trials be without the Hunters. Expect them to appear soon. Good luck!" The image of Father K vanished.

David took out his Razor Phone and started scanning in all directions.

"Any clue as to where we should go?" I asked.

"I'm scanning for the nearest signs of habitation, but I'm not picking up anything. I do detect some mountains about fifty miles to the south. That's got to be our best bet," David said.

"Great. We've got to walk fifty miles in this heat. And who knows when those hunters are going to appear."

David frowned and looked at his phone. "I'm pulling up information on Planet Zev. It's a hell hole. But we've got more pressing things to worry about."

"Don't tell me. Giant Sand Worms," I joked remembering a book that Uncle Paul read to me long ago for a bedtime story.

"Close. They call them Sand Scorpions. They come out at night to hunt. Apparently they borrow under their victims and pull them under. We'd better get moving. We've got about six hours until dusk," David said.

We set off for the direction of the mountains. The sun was merciless, even with our Ranger Jump Suits to keep us cool.

"Remind me never to come here again," I said after hours of walking.

David consulted his razor phone. "We've only gone five miles, and it's at least 45 more until we get to the mountains."

I looked up at the sun that was just about to set. "The sun's going down, too. It's going to get cold.

"And we've got to worry about the Sand Scorpions as well," David said and scanned the distance.

Suddenly a jump portal opened in front of us and a floating skiff materialized in front of us. I recognized two of the Hunters. Instantly the skiff began firing laser bolts at us.

David and I dove to the side. Without Fast Time it was going to be next to impossible to bring these guys down.

The skiff circled us, firing furiously. Energy bolts sizzled onto the sand. I grabbed my Razor Phone and fired photon blasts at the skiff, but it expertly dodged.

"These guys are Pros," David shouted.

"Pros who are about to go down," I shouted back. It was time to use The Wend. I reached down inside myself and summoned the Dark Power. It had been a while since I'd cut loose and I was looking forward to it. I ran towards the skiff and leaped onto it. The best defense was a good offense. David joined me and jumped onto the skiff.

The male hunter spun towards us and drew a wicked looking pistol. I summoned the Wend into my left hand and chopped his pistol in half, spun around and kicked his legs out from under him.

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