A Challenge is Given

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We found ourselves flying through the vast blue sky of the Ark. Below us was the grassy savannah and the emerald jungle. I could see DragonMountain off in the distance. A few dragons were flying around it. The wind rustled through my hair and the sun felt warm on my face. For a moment, I completely forgot all my worries. Flying on Seth was so freeing.

"Set us down at the base of the mountain," David said.

"We'll know almost right away if the dragons don't accept him as one of their own. I suggest everyone be ready to get out of the way. A dragon fight can get ugly," Nicole said.

I didn't even want to think about that. I could feel Seth's anger just below the surface, threatening to erupt and explode at any moment. It was all I could do to keep him calm. Even with a seasoned dragon rider like Nicole beside me, I don't know if this was going to work.

Seth stretched out his wings and gracefully landed at the base of the mountain. David, Nicole, and I got off his back. Seth looked around and snorted. I stroked his neck and tried to radiate calming thoughts.

"All right, now what?" I asked.

We didn't have long to wait. Several dragons dove down from the heights of the mountain and flew around us. They roared greetings of welcome, and Seth raised his head and bellowed back. He stretched out his wings and took to the sky, joining the other dragons in flight.

David, Nicole and I watched as Seth flew to the top of the mountain and disappeared from sight. I felt a pang of loss. It was like something important to me had just been taken away.

David came to me and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

"You never forget what it's like to be bonded with a dragon," Nicole said.

"It's a strange feeling," I said.

"I know. From now on there will always be a part of you that will belong to your dragon. And they to you. You'll know if anything is wrong almost immediately," Nicole said.

I thought about what Nicole said. Seth and I were bonded. I was now a dragon rider.

Suddenly, David's razor phone beeped. He took it out and looked at the message.

"We're wanted back in control. Colonel Nash wants to see us."

"Did she say what for?" I said.

"She never does," Nicole said.

"This message was sent with double priority. We'd better get moving," David said.

Just then, a swirling blue jump door opened in front of us. We walked through it and found ourselves back in Control. Thomas and Major Reynolds were there waiting for us.

"Bloody Hell, what kept you, guys? Was there some kind of secret dragon initiation or something," Thomas said.

"Yeah there was a big party. Sorry you missed it, Tom," I said.

Major Reynolds looked at us impatiently. "Well now that dragon business is settled. We have work to do. Agents, follow me. You're wanted in Colonel Nash's office."

We followed Major Reynolds to Colonel Nash's office. She was standing with her back to us, looking out at the Earth.

"Major Reynolds, what does the Union say about Yin Li?"

"Not since Carrie Brunner have we seen a Psionic with so much power," Major Reynolds said.

Colonel Nash turned around and sat down at her desk.

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