Riding the Dragon

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"Look out!" David said.

We both dodged out of the way before the wall of fire could incinerate us.

The dragon landed in the arena. It pawed the sand and snorted. Smoke streamed from its nostrils and a wild look of anger flashed in its eyes. All of its rage and anger seemed focused on David and me.

"We can't keep running forever," I said to David.

"Agreed. We've got to find some way to get that collar off the dragon," David said.

I snapped my fingers. "David, I'm going to try something, but I need you to distract the dragon for just a few seconds."

"What are you going to do, Eliza?"

"Just distract that dragon. I only need a few seconds. I'm going to try a Fast Time Jump."

"All right, I hope you know what you're doing," David said and took off running.

I circled around in the opposite direction. It was working. The dragon couldn't focus on both of us at the same time. I waited for the dragon to focus on David and then ran towards the Dragon. I jumped into Fast Time for a split second and hurled myself through the air and landed on the dragon's back.

I grabbed my etheric knife, ignited it and slashed at the strap that held the gold collar on the dragon's neck. The collar fell off and the dragon bellowed in triumph.

I reached out with my mind and focused on calming the dragon down, but the sense of raw anger and pain was so great. I stroked the dragon's scales and whispered gently to it. The dragon reared up and gave a mighty roar that shook the arena to its foundations.

"Stop her," Father K shouted to his guards, but the guards took one look at the dragon and ran away.

Just then, David jumped on the Dragon's back.

"Now what?" David said to me.

"I don't know. I didn't think that far ahead. Just try to hang on," I said and reached out with my mind. I pictured flying through the air out of the arena, and the dragon reared back and took to the air.

Father K's platform was right in front of us. I could see how shocked he looked. This wasn't how things were supposed to work out. The platform flew out of the arena and into the city.

"Eliza. What are you doing?" David said.

"We're getting that bastard right now," I said.

Father K's platform streaked ahead and flew out of the city.

"He's getting away," David said.

"No, he's not," I said and pictured a stream of dragon fire enveloping the platform. The dragon roared and a stream of dragon fire shot out towards Father K's platform. It hit several of his guards including the pilot and the platform crashed into the ground.

The dragon flew down and landed next to the smoking wreck of the platform.

David and I jumped off the dragon, and ran up to find Father K stumbling out. His elaborate costume was in tatters and severe burns scarred his face. He put his hands up and grinned.

"All right. You caught me. Congratulations. I never saw this coming. Who knew you were a dragon rider, Ms Grant."

Something about his smug tone of voice sent me over the edge. I reached down inside me and summoned the Wend. The Dark Power filled my hands. I was going to decapitate that smug son of a bitch right then and there, but David grabbed me.

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