Harsh Terrain

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"Make for the planet!" David shouted to Bal.

Bal did his best, I'll give him that, but not even the most skilled pilot in the galaxy could have evaded all those fighters. The shields shuddered under the impact of the laser blasts. Sparks and smoke issued from the control panel as we plunged into the atmosphere of the planet. Fluffy clouds streaked past our window and I could see a vast prairie looming before us. We were coming in way too fast.

"We've lost the main landing stabilizer. This is going to be a rough landing," Bal warned us.

"At least those fighters have given up," David said.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Bal said and pointed to the view screen which showed the fighters still in pursuit.

"Just land and we'll deal with those fighters later," I said.

The prairie rushed up towards us, and we braced for the impact. David and I lurched forward in our chairs as Bal landed the shuttle craft.

"Is everyone all right?" David asked.

"I'm a bit shaken up, but I'll live," I responded.

"Those fighters are pulling back," Bal said and pointed at the monitor.

"Of course, Father K wants to keep the show going. Ratings would slide if we got gunned down right away," I said.

"I wonder what horrors await us on this planet?" David said.

"No matter what out fate is, we must die like warriors," Bal said.

"I'd rather not die at all if that's okay with you, Bal," I said.

"Can we broadcast a message to Control?" David said.

Bal went to the wrecked console of the shuttle and pressed a few buttons, but nothing happened.

"No, everything is offline. I'm afraid the fighters did their work all too well."

"Great. We'd better hope that message got through because we're stuck on a notorious prison planet with who knows what kinds of hoodlums," I said.

"Be more concerned with the creatures of this planet, Eliza Grant. We will most likely be devoured long before we meet any of the prisoners," Bal said.

I patted the tall Dra Khan warrior on the back, "You ever think about doing standup comedy, Bal? Trust me you'd be a natural."

David went to the back of the shuttle craft and opened the storage lockers. He scrounged around and came up with an ancient survival kit. I went and joined him to see what he had found. It wasn't much: three ration bars, a blanket, and a tiny subspace radio. David held up the radio.

"All right, let's see what this baby can do," I said.

"Don't get your hopes up, Grant. This radio looks old. I don't even know if it still works," David said.

"Hey this is our lucky day, Ross. We're stuck on one of the most dangerous planets in the galaxy, but we've got a radio. Let's fire this up and see what it can do."

David took out the the radio and fiddled with the controls. A whine came from the radio and the power levels went into the green.

"By the Great Gods of Azor, it looks like it's working," Bal said.

David held the tiny radio close to his mouth, "This message is for Colonel Nash of Blackstone Control on Earth. This is Agent David Ross, Eliza Grant, and the Dra Khanian warrior Bal Khan Ra. We are marooned on the planet Rigel 7. We need assistance. Please Advise."

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