The Final Round

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I found myself back in the Arena. The hot lights beamed down on me and David. The crowd seemed to be in an even wilder and more chaotic state than usual. The roar of the crowd was deafening. Father K's floating platform appeared above us. I checked out Father K's wardrobe. He was dressed all in leather with a flowing black cape. His makeup job was even more garish than normal.

"Welcome back. To the Temple of Trials. Have we got an exciting show for you tonight!"

The crowd roared its approval, and Father K bowed theatrically.

"Tonight, we have the final elimination Round. Three teams will enter, but only one will leave. But where shall this competition take place? You the audience get to decide and decide you have? The final round will take place in space. That's all I can say for now. I don't want to give too much anyway," Father K said and swooped down to our level.

Great, here comes the interviews with the eager contestants. Father didn't disappoint. He ran up to us and shoved his microphone towards us.

"Young lovers, I can't remember a more exciting show in my decades of hosting. What do you have to say about this final round?" Father K said.

"We're looking forward to winning and having it be over," David said.

Father K turned to the crowd for its reaction. The crowd booed and shouted insults. Father K turned towards me.

"And what do you have to say, Ms. Grant? It seems that something has come between you and Mr. Ross. Please tell us everything that you can think of."

"Nothing's come between me and Agent Ross," I said coldly, "We're partners on this mission. We work together, and that's it."

"Are you sure, Ms. Grant because I could have sworn we saw romantic sparks fly?" Father K said with a sneer.

"I'm sure." I said and that was it. I stepped away from the microphone.

"The young lovers, everyone," Father K said to the crowd and bounded off to his platform. He spent the next few minutes interviewing the other two teams. David and I stood together silently. Finally, I couldn't take it any more.

"Listen, Ross, what happened back in the cell..." I started.

"Forget it, it was my fault. I stepped over the line. I'm sorry, Grant."

"No, it was my fault. But if we don't make it out of this round. I just want to say that you're a good person. One of the best people I've ever met in my life."

"Thanks. Now let's win this thing and put a stop to this whole obscene charade."

Father K finished his interviews and jumped back on his platform. He rocketed to the center of the arena. The leader boards lit up and showed that we were all in a three way tie for first place.

"As you can see. We have a unique situation here in the Temple of Trials. A three way tie for first place. Only a final elimination round can decide who will win, and the winner will take all, because this final round is where the contestants fight each other to the death!"

The crowd gasped and then cheered. I couldn't stand this crowd. It reminded me of the worst the galaxy had to offer. Anyone who would cheer for people dying was beneath contempt. Life was cheap here in the Outlands.

"Contestants, listen up. You will jump to a derelict space freighter that has been outfitted with the most insidious traps known to our TempleMasters. Once there you only have three hours to make it to a shuttle craft which only holds three because this freighter is on a one way course into the nearest star. Three hours is all you have. Who will survive? Things are heating up here on the Temple of Trials." Father K said.

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