The Accident

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It all happened so fast, I just didn't know what to do. I went for a run in the park, just like I did everyday. I forgot my headphones, which I've never done before, so I had to run without them. Halfway through my run I heard grunting and crashing behind some trees. Being the curious girl I am, I looked to see what was going on.

I saw a man with fair skin and bleach blonde hair. His eyes were a piercing blue that reminded me of diamonds in the sunlight. His features were sharp and had a very pronounce jawline. He had on jeans and a t-shirt, but I could tell he had a rather sculpted body. The thing he was fighting, however, wasn't as gorgeous.

It was twice the size of the man, possibly 12 feet high. It's skin was black and leathery with glowing red eyes. It's tongue was similar to a snake which flickered in and out of its mouth. It balanced on a tail like a snake, but had 4 arms like a spider.

"Since when do you visit Earth Askook?" Asked a deep, yet charming, voice coming from the man.

"I am ssssearching for the girl Alfio, jusst like you," replied the monster apparently named Askook. Just as they were about to return to their duel, I lost my footing while trying to get a better look and fell into the clearing.

"If I had known you could have you Fia'sss delivered it would've sssaved me a trip."

What's a Fia? I thought right before being grabbed around the waist by Askook. I flailed my arms and legs and began screaming.

That was the first time I felt it.

It was like a match being lit in a dark cave, giving a slight glow, but then it grew, and grew, illuminating everything and heightening my senses to a whole new level. The heat ran through my fingertips and the rest of my body in a united flame.

"LET GO," I screamed as a globe of fiery power encircled me and my captor. I was instantly released and thrown to the ground, only to be caught by Alfio. I looked up at him as he lowered my feet to the ground, and he in return stared at me with pure awe and fear. His eyes suddenly flickered behind me and I knew it wasn't over. I turned around and saw Askook rising to his original height. I held my left arm out with my palm facing him, and my other hand was on Alfio's chest, holding him back. I closed my eyes and focused everything into my hand, which resulted in a fireball the size of a tire being thrown at Askook. He fell backwards and looked at me, obviously stunned at how I had been able to attack him.

"Thiss isssn't over," he spat before vanishing into thin air. I turned to look and Alfio and felt as if all my life and energy had been drained out of me.

"What are you?" He asked right before I passed out into his arms.

Hello readers :) this is the first book I've decided to get serious with so please help me out by commenting and letting me know what you think so far!

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