Chapter 10

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I had to start going to my classes after I returned from visiting my parents on Earth. Since I had so much training, Kokel thought I was more than capable of keeping up with the work load magically. Physically, however, I was always exhausted. Ever since I started having those weird dreams, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and not be able go back to sleep. On multiple occasions I was even caught sleeping in class. I couldn't tell my professors about the dreams, so I just told them I had a hard time sleeping. I had dark bags under my eyes as I walked into Potions and took my seat in the back. Stella shot me a look of concern from the opposite side of the room, before turning her focus to the board. Within ten minutes of hearing Professor Aneirin talk about what plants you should use to make a healing potion, I rested my head on my hand and slowly nodded off.

"ALENA," a voice yelled from the front of the room. I shot up in response, realizing I had fallen asleep again. Alena get your shit together and stay awake!

"Uhh, yes Professor Aneirin?" I asked sheepishly.

"This is the third time you have fallen asleep in my class. I showed leniency the first two times, but enough is enough. Please return to your room and get some sleep. I will expect a thousand word essay on what plants to put in a healing potion, and their purpose in the brew next class. Also, include an example in which you would use a healing potion. Go get some rest." With an awkward sigh, I grabbed my books and walked back to my room, eager to get some sleep. As I walked down the staircase, the main doors to the castle swung open. Two men walked in supporting a girl between them, her arms wrapped around each of their necks. Her nose was bleeding, accompanied by a cut on her arm and a bruise on her leg. I recognized the girl, Elise, from my defense class. She had short brown hair, and a thin figure. I froze as she looked up at me with hatred.

"Y-you, you're the one they want! We should just send her over to them. Save the rest of us from getting our ass kicked." She spat at me.

"Take her to the infirmary, I will visit her later," Kokel instructed as he rushed into the room, and turned his attention to me. "Alena, what are you doing? You should be in class."

"I...was uh...told to return to my room," I said as if I was talking to my parents.

"What happened?"

"I kind of...nodded off in Potions...for the, uh, third time and he told me to get some sleep." I said quietly, afraid he would yell at me.

"Why are you so tired," he asked more concerned than upset.

"It's those dreams, they have me tossing and turning all night. I hear her calling out to me, to continue my journey..." my voice trailed off as I stifled a yawn.

"I understand," he said calmly, "go back to bed and come see me when you wake up. We have some things we need to discuss," and with that I dragged myself back to my bed for a two hour, dream free nap.

When I woke up, I felt energized and rejuvenated. With a quick stretch I got up and walked to Kokel's office timidly, remembering his last words to me. Just as I was about to knock, he yelled for me to come in. I slowly opened the door and crept over to the couch.

"I talked to Elise about what happened to her. She told me she was shopping in Magix, when three witches approached her, asking of your whereabouts. When she refused to tell them, they pushed her into an alley and ganged up on her. She said after being knocked around a little bit, she managed to fight them off enough to get away." I sat there shocked at the information.

Are they that desperate for me, or what they think I have? That they are willing to beat innocent Fia's to get me? I really have no idea who I'm dealing with...

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