Chapter 16

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Waking up with Cullen next to me was something I could easily get used to. I was laying on my stomach with my right hand entangled in his. I opened my eyes, to see him staring back at me. I furrowed my brows and turned the other way, only to be grabbed around the waist and pulled towards him. I laughed as he locked his arms around me, forcing me to stay there.

"Good morning," he said with a smile, before remembering what would happen today.

"Cullen, I want you to be careful today. I can't lose you." He gave a sigh before returning my gaze.

"You're the one I'm worried about. I want you to stay in the castle. If anything happens, come find me and I will protect you."

He kissed my hand gently before getting up to take a shower. I got up, put on my pair of sweatpants, and returned to my room. Unsure of what I should wear on the day of a battle, I threw on jeans and a v-neck, accompanied by converse. I walked through the hallways, trying to see what everyone was doing. The men were given battle armor and weapons. Armor wasn't given to the girls because it would weigh them down when they flew. The army is expected to arrive at 9pm, but we would be ready by 7pm. Kokel saw me watching the armor being handed out, and called me back to his office.

"I understand you want to fight, but the odds are too much against you. You have no magic, Alena, and you won't be able to take down these monsters with some punches. Besides, you need to be in one piece of you plan on reclaiming the Dragonfire."

"I can't just sit in here!" There had to be something I could do.

"You don't understand how important your life is. Up until a few days ago, we thought the Dragonfire no longer existed, the most powerful magic in the world. Even though it is under the witches control now, they cannot use it to its maximum potential."

"Wait, they can't?" This gave me a bit of hope.

"Only you can because it was intended for only you to use. If you die, so does the Dragonfire." He spoke steady, which showed me how serious this was.

"So, technically, the witches need me alive. For now at least." Or I could kill myself now, and prevent the army from ever coming...

"That's right. Now, I have to go help the other teachers get everyone into place. I want you to stay in the castle, but come find me if you ever need help." And with that he walked out. I, however, continued to sit there and contemplate my options.

Would it be selfish for me to just sit in here while everyone else risks their lives? Seeing that I'm the one that got us into this mess, they would be fighting for me, to keep me safe. I don't want to hurt Cullen, but it's worth hurting one person to save hundreds.

Near the training room was a twelve foot deep pool for students to use whenever they wanted. I couldn't write any goodbye letters because I knew I would change my mind. I slowly walked over the the pool, as if it were a sleeping dragon. I hated the feeling of wet clothes on my skin, so I stripped into my bra and underwear. I should've worn a sports bra instead of a normal one. I took a few deep breaths before closing my eyes. I thanked my parents for raising me. I thanked Kokel for giving me the opportunity to learn about who I really was. I thanked Cullen for loving me in a way I had never felt before. I thanked Stella and Alfio for being great friends. I shed a silent tear before jumping into the dragon's mouth. I let myself sink to the bottom, and the pressure slowly increased as he started to digest me. I released all my air, and my chest tightened. I thought I heard a splash, but I couldn't tell over the sounds from my body violently shaking. My eyes blurred with the water, and a blackness slowly crept over my vision. Just as I died, I thought I felt a pair of hands grab me, hoping it was God.

Hello readers :) a short chapter and suspenseful end.....hehe now you all have to wait and see what I have in store for next chapter.

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