Chapter 13

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I have never felt such a void. Every time I woke up, I forced myself to go back to sleep, afraid of what thoughts might flood into my head. Though I no longer had the Dragonfire, it called to me every day. Wherever it was, it wanted me to find it. I had dreams about charging the witches, and beating them with my bare hands. I knew I only had one shot at getting it back so I had to wait until the time was right. I couldn't bring myself to go to the cafeteria, scared at what people might do. How they might look at me. What they might say. They could easily push me off the edge. I allowed Prim into my room, only to collect dirty towels such. I told her not to bring me any food. Besides, I wasn't hungry.

Eventually, I decided I needed to get out of the castle and go for a walk. I walked on a trail around the building, giving me yet another appreciation for how big the place was. I stared at the dirt path as I walked, remembering how I would look down at the trees when I could fly. People looked like ants beneath my feet. It was a rainy day, feeding into the depression I felt. A part of me hoped it was because of Kiora, returning to finish me off. Maybe she was making it rain as a way to torture me, a friendly reminder of what they did to me, and what they took. I should run away. Go into hiding and never return. The only thing making me push those thoughts away was the pull of the Dragonfire that I barely felt.

I went back inside the castle and went up to the fourth floor. I don't think I was allowed to be up there, but I didn't care, about anything actually. I sat by a window and gazed for what seemed to be hours. In the courtyard, three girls were messing around with their Fia. The rain had stopped, but the ground was still wet. The one girl must have had nature powers, because large flowers sprouted from the ground as she raised her hands. The other two girls laughed and admired the plants. I couldn't help but feel jealous. They walked around, using their magic as they pleased. They would probably never experience what I went through, and for that, I felt hatred towards them. The girls went in after a while, leaving me to look at the sky. Finally, when it was too dark for me to see anything, I returned to my room. I laid in bed, realizing how weak and vulnerable I was. I need to learn how to fight, tomorrow. I drifted asleep to the thought of me beating the witches, beating them to the brink of death with my fists.

I am walking through Mirkwood Forest. I come to a clearing in the trees and see the lake. I walk into it and swim to the sandy bottom, looking for the cave. This time, when I take a breath, water fills my lungs. I scramble to reach the surface, but it is too late. I pass out and begin to slowly sink to the bottom.

Hello readers :) I know this chapter is insanely short, but I needed it to emphasize how depressed Alena was. Things get better though, I promise :) xoxo

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