Chapter 14

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I forced myself to wake up early, around five, so I could have all day to train. I slipped on running shorts and a t-shirt before heading down to the cafeteria. I didn't want to eat, but I knew I would feel sick to my stomach if I didn't. After devouring an omelet, I rushed back to Kokel's office.

"I need Mr. Galtero to teach me how to fight without magic." I demanded as I burst into his office. He looked up from his papers, startled at my request.

"He has classes to teach Al-"

"Have Cullen teach them. Please, I need this." I wasn't going to accept no as an answer. I think he heard the desperation in my voice, and sighed before giving me permission. He told me to go to the training room and wait while he informed him. I walked there with determination, feeling something similar to happiness that I wouldn't be completely useless. After about ten minutes, a large man with very muscular arms and chocolate colored hair walked into the training room.

"Kokel told me you wanted to learn how to fight. I hope you're serious about this because I don't like wasting my time." I understood his doubts and explained my reasoning.

"I've never been more serious. Without my magic, I feel pretty useless. I need to be able to defend myself." Seeming convinced, he walked over and picked up one of the heavy bags he brought, and hung it on a hook. He also brought a full length mirror, and leaned it against the metal lining on the walls.

"The first thing you need to learn is form." He spread his legs a little more than shoulder length apart, and put his left foot forward. Since I was left handed, I did the same thing, but with my right foot forward. My right hand would be used for quick jabs, and my left hand was my powerful punch. He showed me how to hold my hands up to protect my face, and how to throw a punch properly. After an hour of punching the air and moving my feet as I did so, he put padded gloves on his hands, and had me punch them. He slowly moved as I hit, forcing me to shuffle forward or pivot with my back foot when he changed direction. After a few hours of this, he gave me a water break.

"I'm impressed," he said plainly, "you catch on quickly, and you have a hard hit for a girl your size."

"I have a lot of anger." I said quickly, ending it with that. Next, we worked on defense. This also gave my hands a break from all the punching.

"Magic or no magic, you still have better reflexes and senses than any human. When something is coming at you, a type of alarm should go off in your head as a warning." I nodded, remembering the feeling from when I fought the witches. "I want you to close your eyes." I did as he said, and felt his hand slap my cheek. Not too hard, but enough to hurt a little.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I opened my eyes and glared at him.

"It's an exercise to help heighten your senses. Try to block my blow before I hit you." I sighed and closed my eyes again. It was like I could see the movement, without really seeing it. His hand went to slap my arm, and I grabbed it just as he moved it. His other arm went to tap the top of my head, but I swatted it away. Realizing my advancement, he increased the difficulty. He threw a soft punch at my head, but I ducked out of the way. He went to fake kick my legs out from under me, but I jumped in response.

I opened my eyes before asking, "How am I doing this?"

"Vesta was not only the goddess of fire but she was a very skilled fighter, so they say. Apparently, she is one of the best warriors in history." I smiled picturing my mother fighting off evil with her bare hands.

He walked me over to the heavy bag, and put some tape on it. The tape was in the shape of a face and a belt, indicating where a mans average face and waist height was.

"Practice punching this bag as if it were a real man. Switch it up between hitting the face and his stomach." I punched until my knuckles had red bruises and the skin started to split open. "Do you feel comfortable enough to protect yourself now?" I nodded and thanked him for spending the day helping me. I looked at the clock on the wall, and saw 6:45 glowing in red. Wow, I've really been at this all day. I wasn't hungry, so I continued to punch the bag until my knuckles started to bleed through the white tape I wrapped around them. Then I returned to my room and took a shower. I felt more confident as the water washed over my empty body. Afterwards, I crawled into bed and practiced punching into the air before falling asleep from exhaustion.

I am walking through Mirkwood Forest. I come to a clearing in the trees and see the lake. I walk into it and swim to the sandy bottom, looking for the cave. This time, when I take a breath, water fills my lungs. I scramble to reach the surface, but it is too late. I pass out and begin to slowly sink to the bottom.

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