Chapter 19

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I woke up and saw Cullen lying in a bed next to me. I looked down and saw I was sitting in a chair wearing only a sports bra, underwear, and one of Cullen's long sleeve shirts. I ignored my appearance and tried to remember how I got there. I must have slept walked here. I bent over the bed and kissed Cullen lightly on his forehead. I heard someone clearing their throat behind me, making me stand up, startled. I turned around to see Alfio in the doorway, his eyes glancing up from my ass as he seemed lost for words.

"I, um, came to check on Cullen. Did you sleep here?" I could tell he was struggling not to look at the rest of my body.

"I just kinda woke up here. I must've walked here in my sleep." I blushed as I looked down at my outfit and walked towards the door. Alfio grabbed my shoulders as I walked past him and forced me to look at him.

"Cullen will be ok Alena, there isn't anything life threatening that we need to worry about." I hugged him and cried, again, as he slowly rubbed my back.

"I can't lose him," I cried. "I can't live without him." Suddenly his body tensed up and his hand froze on my back. I pulled away slowly and looked at his eyes, which were fixated on something behind me.

"What are you looking at," I asked before turning around and seeing it for myself. Cullen was awake. His eyes stared dully around the room, until he saw us. First fear, then confusion, and lastly anger appeared on his face as he came to his senses. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. As I pulled away, his hands wrapped around my neck and began to squeeze. Alfio rushed over and put his hands over Cullen's. Cullen pulled his hands back painfully as Alfio had burned them with his ice.

"What the hell man?" Alfio asked, just as confused as I was.

I coughed and swallowed some air before asking, "Cullen what the hell? It's me, Alena."

"Oh I know exactly who you are, and what you plan to do." He reached for me again but Alfio made icy handcuffs around Cullen's hands that chained him to the bed. Tears filled my eyes as I realized what he had tried to do. He tried to strangle me.

"Cullen what are you talking about?" Alfio demanded.

"That bitch is going to kill me! She'll kill all of us with her Dragonfire. We need to take it from her before she gets the chance!" I turned away, pretending he wasn't saying those awful things.

"She would never do that, and you know it! She loves you dude, and you love her too!" Alfio was getting angry now, frustrated with the way Cullen was acting.

"She loves me, does she? Then why was that little whore all over you when I woke up? You love her, Alfio, and soon enough she will hurt you and others. You're going to wish you killed her when you had the chance." He spat at me with such rage, it was like a completely different person. I couldn't hold it in any longer, and bursted out crying as I ran out of the room. Alfio quickly followed and reached for my arm.

"Something is wrong, Alena, that's not Cullen talking." I knew he was right, but it didn't matter.

"What did Ravyn do to him! What did that bitch do?" I screamed and beat my hands against his chest as he pulled me into him. I finally gave up and let him embrace me. I sobbed loudly, getting his shirt wet with my tears in the process.

"We will help him. Don't worry, we will reverse it. I'll do whatever it takes." He walked me back to my room and let me get some much needed sleep. The chair I slept in was very uncomfortable and hurt my back. I crawled under my satin sheets and dreamt of a different ending to the battle.

I had just beat Aradia and raised my arms in victory. Cullen was standing amongst the crowd in front of me. He walked up and held my face in his hands before kissing me passionately. He carried me back to his room and we fell asleep to each others heartbeats.

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