Chapter 21

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I sprung out of bed and quickly got dressed before running up to Professor Aneirin's office upstairs.

"Professor Aneirin I need your help," I yelled as I bursted into his room unannounced.

"First, you should try knocking. Second, what can I help you with dear?" He smiled as he lifted his gaze from the papers on his desk.

"It's Cullen, I'm sure you heard about his condition. Is there any potion you could give him to help reverse it?" My voice strained as I fought back any emotion that tried to escape.

"Yes, I'm afraid I have heard. What happened is awful, but I do believe there is something I can do for him." My eyes light up instantly.

"What is it? I'll do anything!" I ignored how desperate I sounded.

"You must find the Sea Poison Tree, and collect one of its flowers. However, they only open at night so you must go when it's dark."

"Alright, where do I find this tree?" That doesn't sound too bad! I just have to collect a flower off some stupid tree.

"Well, the tree resides deep in Mirkwood Forest near a pond. The tree is extremely rare, however, and is guarded by the Lernaean Hydra." His voice trailed off at the end.

"Learn what? That thing doesn't sound so bad. Besides, I doubt it's fireproof." He sighed and gave me a wry smile.

"Alena, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. There are other things we can try."

"No! If this is what you think will help him, then I will get it." There's no way I'm letting whatever a hydra is get in my way.

"I forbid you from going alone. You must take a group with you." He didn't seem like he was going to budge on that.

"Can Stella and Alfio come with me? I don't want my group to be too big. Besides, I know I can trust them." He hesitated before finally giving me permission.

"You can go tonight, but make sure they are ok with it before you do so." I thanked him and ran off to find Stella. I found her reading magazines on her bed while she listened to music. I ripped her earphones out and told her the plan.

"You're coming with me tonight to get a flower from the Sea Poison Tree so we can use it in a potion to make Cullen return back to normal." She tilted her head to the side.


"Please Stella I need you! It's for Cullen! This is the best option we have!" Without another word, she agreed.

"Ok fine, but there better not be any giant spiders." I laughed uneasily, and decided to leave out the part about the hydra. I told her I was going to go ask Alfio too, and left to go find him. He was leaning against the wall outside the infirmary, looking at his shoes nervously.

"Hey, I need your help. Its for Cullen-" His eyes shot up and his face softened.

"I'll do it, whatever it is." He spoke without hesitation.

"Great! We have to find the Sea Poison Tree in Mirkwood Forest." His eyes widened and I winced.

"You can't be serious, do you know what guards that thing?" Oh boy, here we go.

"Yeah, just some hydra thing."

"It's not just 'some hydra' it's the hydra. Do you even know what a hydra is?"

"Uhh, no?" I didn't really want to know.

"It's a snake with many heads. The problem is, if you kill one head, two grow back in its place." Well, shit.

The Fire Within (Book 1 of Dragonfire series)Where stories live. Discover now