Chapter 7

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After my defense lesson, I went to the cafeteria and ate alone while Cullen told Kokel about my progress. I could tell there was something that made me different from the other Fia's, but I couldn't figure out what that was. I'm sure Kokel knew more about the situation than he was letting on, but I was in no position to question him. After dinner I went to Stella's dorm to see how she was doing.

"Hey S its Alena, can I come in?" The door swung open and I was embraced with a hug. She pulled back and smiled at me with watery eyes.

"Thank you for saving me last night, you were so brave and your power was..." I wasn't surprised to her lack of words.

"Yeah...I'm trying to work on that too," I said with a weak smile. She invited me in and we talked about funny stories from our past. We laughed until our sides hurt, and when I couldn't laugh anymore, I decided to return to my quarters to get some rest.

She appeared before me in the same gold dress and crown. Her lips painted with a deep red lipstick, going nicely with her tanned skin.

"You're doing so well, sweetheart," she said with kind words, "I'm so proud of you." She walked forward and gave me a loving hug. A tear fell from my eye as she pulled away, feeling a bond between us as if we were of some relation. "You're making great progress on your journey, but you still have much to learn. Keep digging within yourself, and you will find it," and with that I sprang up, breathing heavily in a cold sweat.

I turned to the alarm clock on the nightstand, which read six am. I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, so I put on running shorts and a t-shirt, and proceeded down to the cafeteria. I had an omelet with orange juice, and was wandering through the hallways when I ran into Kokel.

"Alena, why are you up so early?" he said, looking rather tired from the bags under his eyes.

"I couldn't sleep," I shrugged. He gave me a warm smile and put his hand in my shoulder.

"Come with me to my office, there is an exercise I want to try with you, to help you remember your past. That is, if you feel up to it?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly and walked with him back to his office. He grabbed a chair and placed it across from the couch. He sat in the chair and gestured for me to sit across from him.

"I'm going to help you go into a meditation like state. You will focus your energy and reach deeper into yourself. I'm hoping this will trigger memories of your childhood, maybe even of your parents..." he trailed off. I closed me eyes and placed my palms face up on my knees. Kokel placed his hands on my temples and squinted his eyes together in deep concentration. "I am going to supply the energy you will need to go within yourself, but you will need to use your own power to stay there. I will help as much as I can." Without further ado, I was sent into the black abyss I had visited every night.

The black began to twist and shape into a lake. It was dark and the moon was sparkling brightly off the water. I began walking further into the lake, the water slowly getting deeper. I took a breath and dove under, seeing a cave at the bottom. I swam my way down as quickly as I could. My chest was growing tighter with a desperation for air, but I was even more desperate to reach the cave. I slowly swam through the entrance of the cave as I sharply exhaled and inhaled on impulse. Stunned, I took another breath. How am I able to breathe under water?

"You are in a trance, Alena, you aren't really under water. The cave represents the darkest part of you that is hardest to reach." The voice came from a bright light within cave. I placed my feet on the sandy floor and walked deeper into the cave, surprised there was no resistance despite the water that surrounded me. I turned the corner and saw her. Her golden dress swaying in the water with the straps hanging loosely around her shoulders. Her fiery red hair floated around her like flames. Vesta.

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