Chapter 27

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Warning: this chapter gets intimate so if you prefer not to read this, you can skip to the next chapter and not miss out on anything. Read at your own risk

Cullen smiled and followed me into my room, closing and locking it behind him. I took off my heals and placed them neatly next to the bed as he removed his jacket.

"This dress is suffocating, help me take it off." Although this sounded seductive, I really just wanted the dress off so I could breathe. He unhooked the top and slowly unzipped it. He placed gentle kisses on my neck and shoulders. The dress fell to the floor, leaving me in a black lace strapless bra and matching black underwear. He sat on the bed as I pulled out the pins holding up my hair, allowing it to cascade down my back. I climbed on the bed so I was straddling him, and gave him a taunting kiss. It started as one, which turned into many as I unbuttoned his shirt. He bit my bottom lip, and knowing what he wanted, I parted my lips for him. The kisses deepened as I tried to take off his shirt. Frustrated, I pulled back and created small flames on my fingertips. He quickly sat up and grabbed my wrists.

"This shirt was expensive so don't burn it." I smiled as he pulled his shirt off and threw it to the floor. He then encased my fingers in his, putting out my flames. His eyes were glowing such a powerful green, I would've been scared if I didn't know him. This separated us for only a second before clashing our mouths together again. He laid back, and I went with him. I allowed him to take control as he flipped us so he was on top. His lips traced down my neck and onto my stomach, before kissing me in a line back up to my lips. I moaned in response, making him smile. He paused before going any further.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," I said confident, "but shouldn't you use-"

"Faeries can't get pregnant," he said breathlessly before kissing me passionately again. I can't have children? This thought was quickly pushed away as his hands ran up and down my back, unhooking my bra in the process. I kissed his chest, making my way up to his jawline then his lips. He removed my underwear, then his boxers before slowly putting himself into me, holding my hips gently. I released a moan as his power coursed through me. My Dragonfire was going crazy throughout my body, and he grunted in response. I grabbed the sheets as he slowly pushed himself inside of me faster and faster. I put my hands on his chest as my fire ran through his body. He slowed down, and removed himself from me. Breathing heavily, he put his palm on my chest, and shared some of his energy with me, as I had shared mine with him.

"This feels incredible." I said as I looked down to the blue glow coming from his hand. I put my palm on his chest and shared some of my energy with him. We sat there in awe of the feelings being spread throughout us. I felt like I could take on the entire army of the undead by myself, and win. Finally, we released our hands from each others chests and crawled under the covers. I traced my finger over his abs, eight in total. He rubbed his index finger in small circles over my back.

"Alena, I'm sorry for anything I said to you while under Kiora's control, but I promise you that wasn't me talking. It was her talking through me." I nodded, and grabbed his hand as I laid my head on his chest.

"I love you," I whispered before drifting into a deep sleep.

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