Chapter 17

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I opened my eyes and saw a glowing figure in front of me. I was in the underwater cave again, and the figure was Vesta.

"Why do you keep bringing me here?" I asked, knowing there had to be some significance.

"You must figure that out on your own. Killing yourself won't save the world Alena, it needs you to protect it from future evil," she foreshadowed.

"What future evil?" I asked, but it was too late. I opened my eyes and began coughing up water as I turned onto my side. My lungs sucked in air violently, grasping to life.

"What in the hell were you thinking?!" I looked up to see Alfio, staring at me angrily.

"I thought," I struggled to speak as I gulped in air, "if I killed myself," another breath of air, "I could stop the witches from raising the army." He still looked angry and confused, so I explained. "Kokel told me that the Dragonfire only exists as a result of me. Therefore, if I kill myself, the Dragonfire dies with me." His face softened as realized I was trying to be a martyr.

"As commendable as that is, it's insanely stupid. Just wait until Cullen-" I cut him off quickly.

"No please don't tell him, it will-"

"Don't tell me what?" He asked as he entered the room. I sighed and turned my gaze to the water. He quickened his pace when he saw the water sprayed all over the cement and me in soaking wet lingerie. "What the hell happened?" He said to no one specific.

"I'll let you answer this," Alfio looked at me like a disappointed parent.

I took a deep breath before starting, "Kokel told me the Dragonfire was linked to me permanently, and existed as a result of me. If figured if I were to die, so would the flame, which would prevent the witches from raising the army." I finally lifted my gaze as I finished. A look of pain and hurt mixed on Cullen's face. He took off his long sleeve t-shirt and gave it to me to put on. He offered me his hand, and helped me walk back to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed as he paced, making me uneasy as to what he was thinking. Never the less, his shirtless body still made me drool.

"Damnit Alena," he started, "I appreciate you trying to sacrifice yourself to save others, but for heavens sake! You didn't think of consulting me or anyone else before you did this?"

"It wasn't anyone else's decision to make but mine!" I returned, and stood up from the bed.

"If Alfio wasn't sent to look for you, how would we have found you? How long would it have taken? Did you expect me to just fish your body out of the water with the pool net? And you didn't even say goodbye..." He was more hurt than anything, which made me feel guilty.

"If I had said goodbye, I knew I wouldn't have been able to go through with it. I realize now it might not have been my best decision, but-" He cut me off as I tried to justify my actions.

"That was almost your last decision! You can't just tell someone you love them, then decide to become a martyr. How do I know you won't try it again?" His words were true, but if I had to do it again to save everyone, I would.

"I have to go to that lake tonight, the one in my dream. When I died, Vesta told me I had to go there.."

"You realize you die in that dream, right? I would have to go with you," he demanded.

"No, I have to go alone. This is something I need to figure out on my own." I hoped he wouldn't yell. I was wrong.

"So your going to drown yourself in a lake in the middle of Mirkwood Forest? I can't be with someone who does things without thinking how it effects those around them," he said harshly.

The Fire Within (Book 1 of Dragonfire series)Where stories live. Discover now