Chapter 2

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I awoke in a large, dimly lit room. I tried to remember the previous day's events, but got nothing. I closed my eyes and made myself focus on something I did know. My name is Alena, My name is Alena. I kept chanting it in my head until I had a descent memory of what happened the day before. I looked around and noticed the walls were made of stone and the light came from large candles in sconces placed equally throughout the walls of the room. I moved my hand and felt a satin like texture beneath me, due to the fact I was lying on a bed. There was a large armoire to my right, sitting next to it was a desk. To my left was a bathroom decorated with a chic white granite. As I considered standing up, I closed my eyes to remember what happened, and who I was before.

The day before the incident I was sitting in front of my mirror getting ready for the day ahead of me. I had long, wavy blonde hair, and brown eyes with what appeared to be flecks of an orange-gold color contrasting in them. I was around 5'7 and had rather tan skin, even though I was the only one in my family who looked this way. Actually, I didn't look anything like my parents. I was an only child, but I didn't mind. It seemed that day was forever ago, rather than only 2 days.

In the middle of my daydreaming, my stomach growled in protest, and I decided to find some food. I looked down to see I was still dressed in my black running shorts, wife beater tank top, and sneakers. I stumbled, still feeling slightly weak from the encounter, but considerably better from when it first happened. The encounter. What happened to me, and what was that thing? Who was that man? I decided to save my questions for after I ate.

I slowly pushed open the large double doors of the room and crept into the hallway. The hallway was bigger than anything I had seen. Large stone in intricate designs reached up to the 50ft high ceiling. I decided to go left, and hoped I would run into someone. As I reached the end, I came to a T. I again chose to go left, which led to a normal sized, red wooden door. I slowly turned the nob and cracked it open before I froze and listened.

"Describe to me again what happened," an older, dusty sounding voice asked. Despite the sound, I could tell the man had an authoritative position. A low, charming voice recanted the events, and I knew it was Alfio.

"How was she able to harness that much energy without training? It takes years to master power like that," the older man replied. Energy? Power? What is this guy talking about? Frightened and unsure of what I was hearing, I began to slowly back away when the door creaked open another inch. I froze, and Alfio abruptly opened the door and stared at me.

"Speak of the devil," he said with a smirk. Behind him stood an older man with a white, medium length beard wearing dark blue robes. The material looked as it it were worth thousands, proving my suspicions of his high title.

"Please, come in," the older man asked, "I'm sure you have a lot of questions," he smiled and gestured toward a leather couch that looked brand-new. I walked over to the couch, and Alfio followed suit and sat next to me. The room was large with paintings on the wall behind the couch. He sat behind a desk made of something that resembled wood, but was obviously much more expensive. His desk sat on a plush, deep purple rug that covered most of the stone floor beneath it.

Before he could say another word I blurted out, "What am I?" Alfio and the older man exchanged glances, as if not sure where to start.

"Why don't we start with the basics," the old man said calmly, "I am Kokel and this is my office. If you don't already know, this is Alfio," I turned to Alfio and caught him already staring at me. I quickly turned away, blushing from how attractive he was.

Kokel again spoke, "I am a wizard, and you, my dear, are considered a Fia." He must have seen the confused look on my face and realized he must further explain. "The events that took place on Earth yesterday were not an accident. You see, you were born with a gift."

"Why aren't you considered a Fia? And what does that word mean?" I asked still very confused.

"A Fia is a general term for people born with magic abilities. Despite popular belief, you cannot be given powers by having chemicals spilled on you or being struck by lighting. You can be cursed, but that is a topic we won't be discussing quite yet. Once you have had training and schooling to the point where you have mastered your abilities, you are given the title of a Wizard or Faerie," he finished with a straight face. A grin slowly grew on my face until I could no longer contain it, and began laughing. Confused, Kokel asked me what I found so humorous.

"You have to be joking right? This stuff can't be real! It's like what you see in movies," I finished, growing serious the more I spoke. "And what do you mean by 'on Earth'? What other planet would we be on," I asked rhetorically.

Kokel shot an angry glance at Alfio, "You didn't tell her where you took her?" Alfio shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, making his biceps bulge.

Kokel sighed as he returned to me, "You are on the planet of Evacsa, meaning life. You see, long ago, the first magical beings were created. They are known as the Axl's, meaning source of life. How many there were, we are uncertain, but they were so powerful they harnessed enough magic to create their own planet. The goddess of life, Channah, created the planet we are on now, which is the only one to our knowledge that is able to sustain all types of life. This planet, known as Evacsa, doesn't exist in you solar system because it is in a different realm, but with our technology we are able to travel to different realms in the city of Magix, which is essentially the capital of Evacsa."

Curious, I asked, "Are the Axl's still alive today?"

"Once the planets were created," Kokel explained, "Their bodies were transformed into the planets, but their souls remained. Some say the direct descendants of the Axl's have the power to communicate with these spirits, but all the descendants have been killed..." He cut off before he said too much, but that didn't stop me from asking.

"Killed by whom? And why?" He gave me a worn smile and simply said, "that is enough information for one day. Alfio will take you now to get food, as I presume you are starving," and right on cue my stomach growled obnoxiously. With a weak smile towards Alfio, we left his office and headed down the main corridor to the cafeteria.

Hello readers :) I was going to update tonight but I couldn't wait! Please help me to gain followers and get people to read my story! The more people who read it, the faster I will work to update regularly. Please continue to vote and comment, and have a great day. Thanks :)

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